Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Aalamiin
“Epsilon” team from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Universitas Islam Indonesia won second place in K2R NEO 1.0 (Lean Construction Competition) on 7 October 2023. It’s a competition that was held by the Construction Management and Engineering Expertise Group (KK MRK ITB), Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung.

K2R Neo is an Innovative Learning Digital Platform “Lean Construction” which is aimed at Understanding lean construction through a simulation game competition for the implementation of construction projects with the Last Planner System (LPS) or Final Planner System (SPA) approach. KK MRK ITB hopes that the existence of K2R Neo is expected to be a platform for innovative collaboration from various academics and construction practitioners in implementing Lean Construction in Indonesia.

This competition is divided into 2 categories that can be participated by various universities and construction practitioners throughout Indonesia. The two categories are divided into, institution-based K2R-R (Regular) and individual-based K2R-P (Plus). Each of these categories has different provisions and mechanisms. The practitioner team against the practitioner team and the student team against the student team.

FTSP UII sent 3 teams consisting of FTSP students and lecturers, including 1 practitioner team filled by FTSP lecturers and 2 student teams consisting of FTSP students. In the student category,
Alhamdulillah, one of the FTSP UII student teams with the team name “EPSILON” won 2nd place in K2R Neo 1.0. And Andi is one of the members in the “EPSILON” team representing students from the Department of Architecture UII.

1. Maji’aturrohmah – Undergraduate of Civil Engineering
2. Azka Farouq Hasyimi – Undergraduate of Civil Engineering
3. Axsyal Aditya Nugraha – Undergraduate of Civil Engineering
4. Laziqoh Zahatul Tolab – Undergraduate of Civil Engineering
5. Andi Saifulhaq – Undergraduate of Architecture
6. Wahyu Kuntoro – Master of Cilvil Engineering
7. Amalina Farhana – Master of Cilvil Engineering

Tambah Guru Besar, Kini JARS Miliki 4 Dosen Bergelar Profesor

Dosen Jurusan Arsitektur Dr.-Ing. Ir. Ilya Fadjar Maharika, M.A., IAI. menerima Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi tentang kenaikan jabatan akademik profesor. Ditetapkan sebagai profesor dalam bidang Ilmu Arsitektur.

Surat keputusan tersebut disampaikan oleh Kepala Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDikti) Wilayah V Yogyakarta. Prof. drh. Aris Junaidi, Ph.D. pada Jumat (6/10) di Gedung Kuliah Umum Prof. Dr. Sardjito Kampus Terpadu UII. Dengan bertambahnya profesor ini, tercatat UII telah memiliki 37 profesor dari berbagai disiplin bidang keilmuan.

Curriculum Vitae:

JARS Research Week

JARS Research Week (JRW) adalah diseminasi hasil Penelitian Dosen Jurusan Arsitektur UII, dan telah dilaksanakan pada Kamis 12 Oktober 2023 pukul 09:00 – 11:00 WIB secara daring.

Pada kesempatan ini yang ada 5 TIM peneliti yang mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya adalah:

1. Pengaruh Desain Arsitektur Terhadap Model Bisnis Kuliner (M. Kholif Lir Widyoputro, ST., M.Sc. & TIM).
2. Perkembangan Arsitektur Masjid dalam Dinamika Politik di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Ir. Supriyanta, M.Si & TIM).
3. Rekonstruksi Digital Bangunan Candi Terpendam – Studi Kasus Pemugaran Candi Kimpulan di Komplek Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Islam Indonesia. (Ahmad Saifudin Mutaqi, Ir., MT. & TIM).
4. Prototipe Toilet Berbahan Dasar Pipa Paralon dan Papan GRC dengan Pendekatan Penggunaan Bahan dan Cara Konstruksi (Prof. Ar. Ir. Suparwoko, MURP., Ph.D., IAI., IAP & TIM).
5. Keberlanjutan Permukiman Hunian Tetap Lereng Merapi untuk Mitigasi Kebencanaan Vulkanologi (Prof. Ar. Noor Cholis Idham, ST., M.Arch., Ph.D., IAI & TIM).

Presentasi dan diskusi dapat dilihat pada link:


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Aalamiin
UII Architecture students won second place in SKALARS (Sayembara Kemampuan Arsitektur), a competition that was held by the University of Aisyiah Yogyakarta, which is intended for undergraduate students and the public. It brings “Healing Pod” as the theme that is raising mental health issues in Indonesia.

In this competition, they are judged by :
1. Munichi B. Edrees, IAI, AA
2. Ar. Baritoadi Buldan Rayaganda Rito, IAI
3. Aprodita Emma Yetti, S.T., M.Sc.
4. Tika Ainunnisa Fitria, S.T., M.T., Ph.D

This competition is followed by more than 90+ groups, the assessment of it held on 2 to 3 October 2023. The juries chose 15 design product to be uploaded on instagram @skalars_unisa then on 4 October 2023 they chose 3 best design as the winners, alhamdulillah Azka & Ayeshia won the second place in SKALARS UNISA.


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Aalamiin
UII architecture students won first place in the International Student Competition in Architecture and construction of BAMBOO with the theme “BAMBOO SWING GAME” on October 7 held by Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia in collaboration with the School of Architecture, South China University of Technology Guangzhou, Nansha Bird Park, China.

“Bamboo Boys Team”
Product: Motus Rotan
Team Member:
1. Nofal Safli
2. Alfin Hakim
3. Muhammad Isya Zukhruf Raffaely
Faiz Hamdi Suprahman S.T, M.A

The competition on 7 December was quite tight and challenging, judged by 4 judges from China, and 3 judges from Indonesia, namely Mr. Effan, Mr. Andri, and Mr. I Gede Adi Susila. The products collected are 1:25 Mockup, 4 Page Poster, Design Brief, and Design Video. And from 12 nominations, alhamdulillah Bamboo Boys Team achieved the highest score. And they got an opportunity to build the design on site at Nansha Bird Park, Guangzhou, China, this December 2023.

In the next 1-2 weeks, they have to prepare DED, materials, tools and physical readiness, to build works on site in China, they are given time to build Motus Rotan within 10-15 days (1-2 weeks) in challenging weather. And they have to present again afterwards.

In the near future, InsyaAllah, they will hold a workshop to build this design on campus to make the manufacturing process easier in China later.

Let’s pray for them and give them full support!

7th VIRTUAL EXHIBITION Architectural Blue Ribbon Awards (ABRA) X

Assalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Department of Architecture, Islamic University of Indonesia presents

7th VIRTUAL EXHIBITION Architectural Blue Ribbon Awards (ABRA) X

The exhibition will take place from:
Saturday, 9th September 2023

Wednesday, 9 November 2023

Visit the link below
or scan the QR code on the poster


Wassalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


Department of Architecture, Islamic University of Indonesia presents
7th VIRTUAL EXHIBITION Architectural Blue Ribbon Awards (ABRA) X