Curriculum M.Ars

Di dalam kerangka Kurikulum Magister Arsitektur UII, keilmuan yang akan dikembangkan adalan Arsitektur yang difokuskan pada Islamic Architeture for All dengan memperhatikan aspek Sustainability dan lokalitas “Nusantara Archipelago” (Kepulauan Nusantara). Pendekatan kurikulum Magister Arsitektur didasarkan pada tingkat kemampuan kerja level kualifikasi 8 (delapan) yaitu Program Magister.

Tabel Kata kunci tingkat kemampuan kerja dalam deskripsi KKNI

Sumber: Tim KKNI BELMAWA DIKTI, 2014, Panduan Penyusunan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi

Rumpun Keilmuan

Dalam dunia yang berubah terdapat dampak yang signifikan dalam perkembangan pendidikan arsitektur. Paling tidak, menurut Ganapathy Mahalingam, PhD dalam Konvensi AIA yang berjudul “Emerging Trends for Architectural Education in the 21st Century terdapat 7 aspek yang berkembang sebagaimana Gambar berikut:

Gambar: Road Map Pendidikan Arsitektur UII


Tabel: Tahapan Pelaksanaan Road Map Pengembangan Islamic architeturefor All & Sustainability dan “ Nusantara”architecture

1. R&D

2. Inovasi Pengembangan Rancang Bangun

3. Pengembangan Model & Prototip

4. Produk Desain

4. Diseminasi Produk/Publikasi

  • Riset tentang dan untuk perancangan/ desain bangunan, tapak/ masterplan, interior, dan rancang kota (maks 60ha) dengan pendekatan Islamic Architecture for all, Sustainibility, “Nusantara” architecture

  • Inovasi Merancang,

  • Berargumentasi,

  • Mengkaji,

  • Berkomunikasi,

  • Architectural Forensics

  • Rekayasa teknik & teknologi

  • Rekayasa finansial

  • Rekayasa sosial dan legal (perda)

  • Penyiapan lahan & komunitas

  • Pengembangan jejaring pendukung

Produk Desain Bangunan, Tapak, Interior, dan Rancang Kota berbasis Islamic Architecture for all (Sustainability & Nusantara Architecture)

Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Training, and National and International Journal Publications dan HKI

Magister Arsitektur UII memiliki keahlian Riset Arsitektur khususnya Riset Desain. Dengan “market driver design” maka Magister Arsitektur UII memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dari perguruan tinggi lainnya di Indonesia. Magister Arsitektur UII akan dibekali “ResearchDesign Skill Development”, sehingga mencetak lulusan yang: a) Mahir Riset Desain, b) Mahir Mengadvokasi, dan c) Mahir Mengevaluasi

Riset Desain pada Magister Arsitektur UII untuk mendukung produk-produk desain profesional. Gambar 2.3. Orientasi pembelajaran Magister Arsitektur UII dengan karakteristik utama pada Riset Desain (Design Research).

Sumber: Maharika, 2014

Body of Knowledge dari Program Studi Magister Arsitektur UII

Bidang ilmu dan kajian yang menjadi pokok bahasan dalam Program Magister Arsitektur UII tidak berbeda dengan apa yang dikaji pada program magister sejenis di tempat lain. Bidang ilmu dan kajian yang dilakukan disini akan dapat mendukung aplikasi ilmu-ilmu yang lain dalam tatanan praktis. Bidang ilmu yang akan menjadi pokok dalam Program Magister Arsitektur UII adalah bidang ilmu Arsitektur yang dihimpun dari beberapa sub-bidang yaitu Islamic Architecture, Sustainable Architecture, Architecture for all, and Nusantara Architecture. Ilmu Arsitektur berkaitan dengan bidang lain seperti Planologi (Perencanaan Wilayah, Kota dan Desa), Urban Design, Architecture Landscape, Interior dan Furniture. Untuk pengembangan lebih jauh, bidang ilmu Arsitektur dalam Program Magister Arsitektur UII akan didukung dengan penguatan dibidang Arsitektur Islam dan Nusantara karena Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar dan kaya akan budaya di setiap daerah yang terdiri dari 34 provinsi.

Perkembangan Bidang Ilmu/ Kajian

Perkembangan bidang ilmu Arsitektur dan kajiannya dapat berdampak langsung atau tidak langsung terhadap perkembangan teknologi dimasa depan. Doxiadis (1963) menulis bahwa ilmu dan praktek Arsitektur berkembang dari kepentingan lokal ke internasional. Berdasarkan perkembangan negara yang mencakup lokalitas, sosial ekonomi, dan perkembangan teknologi, maka arsitektur berkembang dari karya kerjinan ke karya industri arsitektur (Shidarta, 1984). Bila diamati, tulisan-tulisan tentang perkembangan arsitektur di masa lalu lebih banyak dibanding tulisan karya arsitektur yang berkembang saat ini. Penulis asing lebih banyak menulis arsitektur Indonesia dibanding ahli-ahli Indonesia (Atmadi, 1981). Menurut Atmadi (1981), kegiatan bidang arsitektur yang belum banyak disentuh adalah adalah PENELITIAN ARSITEKTUR. Penelitian arsitektur pada hakekatnya merupakan usaha untuk mempelajari kembali konsep dan patokan bangunan yang telah dikembangkan pada masa lalu yang sangat berguna bagi perumusan konsep dan pendekatan yang akan diterapkan pada bangunan atau gedung yang akan menjawab tantangan masa kini maupun yang akan datang. Setiap hasil perancangan mestinya sudah merupakan suatu sintesa yang merupakan hasil penelitian.


Tabel: Perkembangan Arsitektur Era Pertengahan, Modern, Masa Kini

Sumber: Bhaswara, Rahadea, 2010

Untuk menghindari hasil sintesa atau kesimpulan yang tidak mantap atau kurang memadai, maka diperlukan metoda perancanan yang lebih rasional (glass box) (Atmadi, 1981) dan memahami pula adanya pendekatan black box. Sehingga, manfaat hasil riset Magister Arsitektur UII tidak hanya untuk kepentingan praktis dan ekonomis, namun maka manfaat riset juga untuk perkembangan ilmu arsitektur. Selain itu, hasil-hasil riset Magister Arsitektur UII juga akan memberikan dampak langsung terhadap praktek perancangan arsitektur dimasa sekarang maupun masa yang akan datang.

Dengan akan dikembangkannya Program Studi Magister Arsitektur UII, dengan penguatan RISET DESAIN yang diperlukan untuk kepentingan akademik maupun profesional, maka kelak sarjana S-2 yang dihasilkan oleh Magister Arsitektur UII diharapkan akan sangat kompeten sebagai ahli dibidang Islamic Architecture, Architecture for all, Nusantara Architecture, and Sustainable Architecture.

Rancangan Kurikulum

Kurikulum Program Magister Arsitektur UII dirancang dengan jumlah SKS sebanyak 76 SKS yang terdiri dari subyek pendukung 18 SKS dan subyek utama sebanyak 58 SKS. Dengan jumlah SKS sebanyak ini diharapkan Program Magister Arsitektur UII dapat menghasilkan sarjana S2 yang kompeten dibidang riset dan atau kompeten sebagai staf pengajar perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu pada semester-semester awal mahasiswa akan diberikan matakuliah tatap muka dengan subyek filsafat ilmu dan metodologi penelitian, sedangkan untuk peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan penelitian Magisternya maka mahasiswa diharuskan mengambil mata kuliah pendukung pilihan wajib yang disesuaikan dengan rencana topik penelitian yang akan diambil. Mata kuliah pendukung ini diambil oleh mahasiswa berdasarkan usulan dari dosen yang akan diproyeksikan sebagai pembimbing tesis dari mahasiswa yang bersangkutan. Selebihnya subyek yang harus ditempuh mahasiswa adalah subyek penelitian yang menyangkut penulisan tesis. Oleh karena itu, lulusan Magister Arsitektur UII adalah Magister Arsitektur yang mampu menguasai ‘state of the art’ perancangan & ilmu arsitektur. Peran yang dapat dilakukan oleh lulusan Magister Arsitektur UII setelah menyelesaikan proses pembelajaran di program studi terkait dapat dilihat pada Tabel berikut:

Tabel: Lulusan Program Studi Magister Arsitektur UII dalam Level “State of The Art


Profil Lulusan S2 Arsitektur

Lingkung Pengetahuan

  • Designer

  • Pembangun/Pengembang

  • Ilmuwan

  • Birokrat

State of the Art/Keunggulan:

Islamic Architecture, Sustainability, Inclusy, Locality


Rancangan Kurikulum Program Studi Magister Arsitektur UII

Tabel: Susunan Mata Kuliah per Semester Berikut Bobotnya

Workshop Arsitektur Digital


Workshop Arsitektur Digital

Digital Architecture Laboratory is the most important facilities in now day’s architecture education. In order to compliment the students with up to date way to design, the laboratory has been equipped with high specs computers and related tools. BIM or Building Information Modelling is utilized with various software and applied to Architectural Design Studio (ADS), starting from ADS 3 – to ADS 7, especially ADS 6 where completed technical drawing is required.

The laboratory is also has a duty to expand the digital tools for other design aspects such as building science and technology and building design. Serial workshops and short courses in the field are frequently developed both for students only and open for public. Environmental control by information technology and parametric design are some of the most subject of digital workshops.

Together with other laboratory in the department, Digital Architecture Laboratory also frequently organize teams to participate design competitions. Send lecturer and staff to join workshop and seminar in the field.

In order to serve the students, this laboratory is open for 24 hours for 7 days in a week and only closed for national and religious holidays. 20 laptops and 40 PCs are ready for the students accompanied by other digital tools.

Figure: Digital Workshop


E:\jars\Web Update\WEB\IMG_0495.JPGE:\jars\Web Update\WEB\IMG_0497.JPG

Figure: Digital Workshop


Official Staffs:

Head of Laboratory: Syarifah Ismaliyah Alathas, ST, MSc

Staff: Hartono (Harry)

Telp: +62 274 898444 ex.3245


E:\jars\Web Update\WEB\30.jpg


One of the most important resources for architecture study is design laboratory. Architectural Design Laboratory in Department of Architecture UII has role key to boost design capabilities of the students. This laboratory responsible to manage core courses of Architectural Design Studio ADS from ADS 1 to ADS 7. While ADS 8 is arranged by special task force team as the final project for B. Arch program. ADS 9 and ADS 10 are managed by Professional Program (PPAr) in fifth year. The laboratory periodically invites experts from urban designer, civil engineer, landscaper, mechanical and electrical designer, as well as professional architect to give some sessions on the studios. The course events called as KUE.

In order to increase the skill of students, Architectural Design Laboratory organizes supplementary courses or workshops as co-curricular activities such as Model Making, Hand Drawing and Manual Sketch, Photography, and others. For these purposes, the laboratory periodically invite some experts or professional to train the students.

The laboratory is also given duty to organize student activities related to design competition both for national and international levels. Some student studio works have been transformed to design documents for design competitions.

Facilities in the laboratory are Model making tools, Laser Cutter Machine, 3D Printer  

E:\jars\Web Update\WEB\31.jpg

Figure: Guest Lecturing KUE with Architect Professional

E:\jars\Web Update\WEB\DSC_8106.JPGE:\jars\Web Update\WEB\DSC_8489.JPG

Figure: Architectural Design Studio (ADS)


Official Staffs:

Head of Laboratory: Arman Yulianta, Ir, MUP

Staff: Syahid Faoji (Oji)

Telp: +62 274 898444 ex.3225



Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur

Laboratorium perancangan secara langsung mendukung penelaahan teori dan praktik rancangan, baik yang berskala mikro (building design) maupun yang berskala makro (urban design). Laboratorium ini menyelenggarakan praktikum yang mendukung kegiatan perkuliahaan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan perancangan seperti pembuatan model tata ruang dalam dan tata masa. Secara rutin menyelenggarakan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa dan koordinasi penyelenggaraan kuliah umum serta melaksanakan kegiatankegiatan pengkajian masalah perancangan melalui acara seperti seminar, kelompok diskusi serta workshop (misalnya: workshop berkaitan dengan fotografi, teknik presentasi, membuiat maket).

Selain itu laboratorium ini juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas atau peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung layanan di atas, berupa slide film lengkap dengan slide projector, kamera, kamera digital, dan air brush. Pelayanan buku-buku perancangan, grafis, majalah interior serta fotografi arsitektur, contoh gambar kerja, tugas-tugas perkuliahan untuk mahasiswa dan umum. Pada waktu tertentu secara rutin mengadakan pameran kecil, hasil dari tugas-tugas kuliah.

Terletak di lantai 4 Gedung Muh. Natsir (FTSP) bagian sayap barat, Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur, Universitas Islam Indonesia, memfasilitasi berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan perancangan arsitektur di lingkungan kampus. Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur secara langsung mendukung proses penelaahan teori dan praktek rancangan, baik pada skala mikro (desain bangunan) maupun pada skala makro (urban design). Selain itu, kegiatan perkuliahan yang khususnya berkaitan dengan perancangan seperti perancangan model tata ruang interior dan tata masa turut didukung oleh Laboratorium ini. Secara rutin Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur menyelenggarakan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa dan juga sebagai koordinator penyelenggaraan kuliah umum, seminar, serta workshop (misalnya : workshop teknik presentasi APREB, Workshop Drafting, dan pembuatan maket).

Beberapa fasilitas penunjang kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut yang disediakan oleh Laboratorium Perancangan diantaranya adalah penyediaan alat survey yang terkait dengan perancangan, komputer dan printing service serta kamera digital.  Sedangkan untuk penyediaan referensi, Laboratorium Perancangan menyediakan berbagai buku-buku perancangan, buku grafis, majalah interior, tabloid, buku fotografi arsitektur dan beberapa contoh gambar kerja. Fasilitas-fasilitas ini sepenuhnya dapat dimanfaatkan bagi dosen, staf dan mahasiswa, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan.

Laboratorium Arsitektur Digital

Laboratorium Arsitektur Digital memfasilitasi proses perancangan arsitektur dengan bantuan komputer. Melalui kegiatan praktikum, tutorial, kursus berlisensi dan kegiatan penunjang lainnya mahasiswa akan memperoleh kemampuan dasar dan peluang mengembangkan diri dalam hal; pemodelan dan penggambaran untuk membangun citra dua dan tiga dimensi (dengan menggunakan program berbasis CADD); presentasi gambar statik dan dinamik (dengan program berbasis raster editing, Gimp) dan presentasi verbal (dengan program berbasis Open Office dan interactive media); komunikasi searah (dengan program berbasis HTML dan Macromedia); simulasi; manajemen proyek; sistem informasi verbal, numerik dan grafis dan penyuntingan citraan vector graphic (dengan program Inkscape), dan video image (dengan program berbasis video editing). Fasilitas yang disediakan adalah komputer, printer, viewer dan scanner. Pada waktu tertentu secara rutin diadakan pameran hasil tugas mahasiswa secara digital.

Center for Socious Design

Kita kini diadaptasikan untuk bisa menerima bentuk ruang insular ke dalam ruang hidup sejalan dengan beradaptasinya masyarakat kota untuk menerima pola-pola gaya hidup yang juga baru. Namun proses adaptasi ini bukan tanpa konflik terlebih ketika lapisan dasar masyarakat kita masih sangat kental dengan kehidupan yang cair – kekeluargaan – informal. Pertemuan dua sistem ini menjadikan arsitektur mempunyai efek samping karena insularisasi ruang juga telah menciptakan batas-batas yang tak terlintasi oleh masyarakat secara sosial, ekonomi dan budaya. Dalam konteks inilah Centre for Socius Design (CSD) berpendapat bahwa dimensi teritorial dan identitas yang terinsularisasi itu harus dicari jalan perlintasannya yang memitrakan dengan peri kehidupan masyarakat kita. CSD adalah wahana untuk eksperimentasi arsitektural yang secara langsung memihak pada usaha untuk mencari keseimbangan, mempromosikan rekonsiliasi dan kemitraan agar lebih berkelanjutan secara sosial.


Dosen yang ahli di bidang ini:

1. Ilya Fajar Maharika, Dr.Ing, IAI (Associate Professor)

2. Hastuti Saptorini, Ir, MA (Associate Professor)

3. Wiryono Raharjo, PhD (Associate Professor)

4. Rini Darmawati, Ir, MT (Assistant Professor)

5.  Arman Yulianto, Ir, MUP (Lecturer)


Main Campus

Architecture Department is located in the Main Campus of UII at Jalan Kaliurang Km 14,4. Yogyakarta. The 34 hectare campus with its 15 buildings lies approximately 16 Kms from Mount Merapi (the most active volcano in Indonesia), with surrounding village landscape and natural green environment. About 20 % of the land area is occupied by buildings, which are planned to accommodate 20,000 students with a minimum standard of 12 m2/student which exceeds the national standards (7.6 m2/student).

Figure: Main Campus Map of UII

Architecture Department is one of the three departments of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning. Other departments are Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Settled down in the middle of UII campus, the Faculty has an easy access to several academic facilities within the campus. The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FCEP Building consists of 5 floors, each with an area of approximately 3240 m² and totally 12636 m2.Department of Architecture uses part of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor and exclusively uses all of the 4th floor of the building, which has an area of 288 m² for Administration and Management, 481 m2 for Faculty Facilities, 1089 m2 for ‘fixed’ Design Studios of 4th – 10th Semester and 666 m2 for ‘flexible/shared’ Design Studios of 1st – 3rd Semester, 618 m2 for Research and Workshops and 4905 m2 for Support Facilities.

As part of Support Facilities, Auditorium and Lecture Rooms have in total an area of approximately 3945 m2 as sharing facilities with Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Departments. Architecture Department uses exclusively an area of 960 m2 for Lecture Rooms and ‘shared’ Design Studio, personal locker, IRC, individual workspace and review room.

Outside the FCEP building, there are physical facilities available as sharing facilities for all faculties. Among others are “Muhammad Hatta” University Library, “Ulil Albab” Mosque, “Kahar Muzakir” Auditorium, “Prof. Sardjito” Lecture Halls, Sport Hall and Fields.

Figure: Dr. Mohammad Hata Central Library Building

(with a 1000 years old Hindu Temple (called “Kimpulan Temple) in front of the buiding, found during the construction of the building

Maintenance and procurement of buildings are managed by Asset Management Board (BPA: Badan Pengelola Aset) under the Waqf Board (University Foundation), while the provision of lectures and maintenance of the spaces within the Building of FCEP are managed by the Division of General/Supplies Affairs (Bagian Umum/Perbekalan) under the Management of the Faculty Dean.


Design Studios

Design Studios are located on the 3rd and 4th floor of the FCEP building campus (Figure 4.49 and 4.50). There are two types of Design Studios, “shared” and “fixed” Design Studio. “Shared” Design Studio has totally an area of 666 m2.. Shared with other Architecture Lectures, these Design Studios are alloted for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Semester Design Studio. “Fixed” Design Studio has totally an area of 1197 m2 for the 4th, 5th , 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Semester Design Studio, whereas an area of  459 m2 for the 4th/5th Semester Design Studio, 360 m2 for the 6th/7th Semester Design Studio, 270 m2 for 8th Semester Design Studio, 108 m2 for 9th and 10th Semester Design Studio. The design studio schedule for 1st until 7th Semester has been managed that Design Studios of even semester can be used alternately for Design Studios of odd semester.

“Shared” Design Studio for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Semester Design Studio have open plan layouts, each accomodates 40 – 60 students.  “Fixed” Design Studio for 4th/5th Semester, as well as for 6th/7th Semester, is divided into 10 – 12 small units by light walls, each for 12 – 15 students. Design Studio for 8th has an area of 252 m2 and has been composed in open plan layouts. Design Studio for 9th and 10th semester are situated on the 3rd floor which has totally an area of 108 m2.

Total area for Design Studio Space is 1755 m2 for even or odd semester and each design Studio is equipped with drawing desk. The available design studio space is about 2 m2/student which is still below the minimum standard of studio space with independent working desk (2,8 m2/student).To optimize the design studio space, the Architecture Department has planned to decrease the total number of the students accepted in the department in the Academic Year 2016/2017. Every Studio has white boards, screens for projection, and tag boards for exhibition and evaluation. These studio spaces have been designed with passive cooling system (no air conditioning) with the availability of air and light openings to be set flexible by the users.

Individual Working Space and Lockers for Students

Mezzanin on the 4th floor with an area of approximately 234 m2 is provided as individual working space for students. Locker for students is also on the 4th floor, where 350 lockers have been made available in the corridor for the storage of textbooks and other personal materials  




Most of the library facilities are concentrated in the “Mohammad Hatta” University Central Library with the collection, administrative and reading room. The main architecture library is located in the Central Library. A small library with an area of 153 m2 is also available at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning that serves as Reading Room. It provides a collection of special architectural reference books available only to be read, not to be loaned out

Information resources

This section discusses how the university provides information resources, and how the academic community, particularly students, utilize them.

Types of the Library

Currently, the information resources for architecture students are the Central library (Mohammad Hatta Building) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning library (Mohammad Natsir Building, 1st floor) where the architecture department is located. Books and materials collection are mostly available in the Central Library, while the references related to architecture are available in Faculty’s library.The central library,or so called Directorate of library, is stand as the central organization for the entire university’s faculties and departments library.


Both the Central Library and FCEP library are located on the same area, which is in the main campus on Universitas Islam Indonesia

Figure: Location of the libraries (refer also to Figure 4.44 and 4.45 if Subsection 4.6)

Central Library

Central library has collection of books consist of 71.488 volumes in 54.325 Categories, and periodicals, which consist of 3.855 volumes in 3.465 Categories. The Central Library building has approximately 9.000 sq m of area, comprised of 5 stories. The lower ground floor is dedicated for e-library services, while the upper ground and the 1st floors serve general collections and references. In addition to the library services, this facility also has meeting room, audiovisual room, offices and museum.

The building has very unique setting, as it located nearly the ancient hindu Siwastik temple, which assumed built on 9 – 10 BC within Mataram kingdom era. The temple was buried by the eruption of Merapi mountain and accidentally found during the excavation process of central library construction. After long process of qualified the archeological requirements, the building design was adjusted encircle the temple, which made the temple visually exposed and accessible to visitors.


The central library is open on weekdays, with service hours as follow :


  • Sunday to Friday : 08.00 – 22.00
  • Saturday : 08.00 – 16.00


Faculty library

Faculty library which accommodate architecture department has collection of books consist of 13.646 of volumes in 15.145 of Categories.


    • Facility: the Faculty library has 260 sq m with capasity of 15-25 persons. Along with the reading and collection rooms, this facility also equipped with the copy and printing services, ready to use PC’s, discussion room , and a spacious lobby.Mainly, this facility holds the architecture references collection, books from grant, bulletin, tabloid, magazine, and bachelor thesis
    • Policies: the faculty library is open on office days, from Sunday to Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00. Photocopy and printing service is available from 09.00 within office hours.




Degree and Programm in Department of Architecture UII

Degree granted to the graduates based on the program. Graduates of the Bachelor Program in Architecture or Program Sarjana Arsitektur are awarded the title of Bachelor of Architecture or Sarjana Arsitektur abbreviated as S.Ars. For those graduating from PPAr after they finished their Bachelor Program are awarded the degree of Architect or Arsitek abbreviated as Ar.

Table Degrees and Programs



Profiles of Graduates

Professional Program

Arsitek (Ar.)


Professional Junior Architect practicing independently as entrepreneur or serving and empowering communities in the field of building design

Professional Junior Architect applying his or her knowledge and skills by working in design consultant firm and other related fields in construction services, or working in educational institutions and government offices

Bachelor Program

Sarjana Arsitektur


Bachelor in Architecture

Graduates ready to apply his or her knowledge and skills in the fields of design and construction services, and ready to develop his or her competence as professional architect

Graduates ready to develop his or her knowledge and skills in the field of education and research

Graduates ready to apply his or her knowledge and skills related to design and planning

Graduates ready to apply his or her knowledge and skills related to design and planning by initating business or working for other people