Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur

Laboratorium perancangan secara langsung mendukung penelaahan teori dan praktik rancangan, baik yang berskala mikro (building design) maupun yang berskala makro (urban design). Laboratorium ini menyelenggarakan praktikum yang mendukung kegiatan perkuliahaan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan perancangan seperti pembuatan model tata ruang dalam dan tata masa. Secara rutin menyelenggarakan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa dan koordinasi penyelenggaraan kuliah umum serta melaksanakan kegiatankegiatan pengkajian masalah perancangan melalui acara seperti seminar, kelompok diskusi serta workshop (misalnya: workshop berkaitan dengan fotografi, teknik presentasi, membuiat maket).

Selain itu laboratorium ini juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas atau peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung layanan di atas, berupa slide film lengkap dengan slide projector, kamera, kamera digital, dan air brush. Pelayanan buku-buku perancangan, grafis, majalah interior serta fotografi arsitektur, contoh gambar kerja, tugas-tugas perkuliahan untuk mahasiswa dan umum. Pada waktu tertentu secara rutin mengadakan pameran kecil, hasil dari tugas-tugas kuliah.

Terletak di lantai 4 Gedung Muh. Natsir (FTSP) bagian sayap barat, Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur, Universitas Islam Indonesia, memfasilitasi berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan perancangan arsitektur di lingkungan kampus. Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur secara langsung mendukung proses penelaahan teori dan praktek rancangan, baik pada skala mikro (desain bangunan) maupun pada skala makro (urban design). Selain itu, kegiatan perkuliahan yang khususnya berkaitan dengan perancangan seperti perancangan model tata ruang interior dan tata masa turut didukung oleh Laboratorium ini. Secara rutin Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur menyelenggarakan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa dan juga sebagai koordinator penyelenggaraan kuliah umum, seminar, serta workshop (misalnya : workshop teknik presentasi APREB, Workshop Drafting, dan pembuatan maket).

Beberapa fasilitas penunjang kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut yang disediakan oleh Laboratorium Perancangan diantaranya adalah penyediaan alat survey yang terkait dengan perancangan, komputer dan printing service serta kamera digital.  Sedangkan untuk penyediaan referensi, Laboratorium Perancangan menyediakan berbagai buku-buku perancangan, buku grafis, majalah interior, tabloid, buku fotografi arsitektur dan beberapa contoh gambar kerja. Fasilitas-fasilitas ini sepenuhnya dapat dimanfaatkan bagi dosen, staf dan mahasiswa, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan.

Laboratorium Arsitektur Digital

Laboratorium Arsitektur Digital memfasilitasi proses perancangan arsitektur dengan bantuan komputer. Melalui kegiatan praktikum, tutorial, kursus berlisensi dan kegiatan penunjang lainnya mahasiswa akan memperoleh kemampuan dasar dan peluang mengembangkan diri dalam hal; pemodelan dan penggambaran untuk membangun citra dua dan tiga dimensi (dengan menggunakan program berbasis CADD); presentasi gambar statik dan dinamik (dengan program berbasis raster editing, Gimp) dan presentasi verbal (dengan program berbasis Open Office dan interactive media); komunikasi searah (dengan program berbasis HTML dan Macromedia); simulasi; manajemen proyek; sistem informasi verbal, numerik dan grafis dan penyuntingan citraan vector graphic (dengan program Inkscape), dan video image (dengan program berbasis video editing). Fasilitas yang disediakan adalah komputer, printer, viewer dan scanner. Pada waktu tertentu secara rutin diadakan pameran hasil tugas mahasiswa secara digital.

Center for Socious Design

Kita kini diadaptasikan untuk bisa menerima bentuk ruang insular ke dalam ruang hidup sejalan dengan beradaptasinya masyarakat kota untuk menerima pola-pola gaya hidup yang juga baru. Namun proses adaptasi ini bukan tanpa konflik terlebih ketika lapisan dasar masyarakat kita masih sangat kental dengan kehidupan yang cair – kekeluargaan – informal. Pertemuan dua sistem ini menjadikan arsitektur mempunyai efek samping karena insularisasi ruang juga telah menciptakan batas-batas yang tak terlintasi oleh masyarakat secara sosial, ekonomi dan budaya. Dalam konteks inilah Centre for Socius Design (CSD) berpendapat bahwa dimensi teritorial dan identitas yang terinsularisasi itu harus dicari jalan perlintasannya yang memitrakan dengan peri kehidupan masyarakat kita. CSD adalah wahana untuk eksperimentasi arsitektural yang secara langsung memihak pada usaha untuk mencari keseimbangan, mempromosikan rekonsiliasi dan kemitraan agar lebih berkelanjutan secara sosial.


Dosen yang ahli di bidang ini:

1. Ilya Fajar Maharika, Dr.Ing, IAI (Associate Professor)

2. Hastuti Saptorini, Ir, MA (Associate Professor)

3. Wiryono Raharjo, PhD (Associate Professor)

4. Rini Darmawati, Ir, MT (Assistant Professor)

5.  Arman Yulianto, Ir, MUP (Lecturer)


Main Campus

Architecture Department is located in the Main Campus of UII at Jalan Kaliurang Km 14,4. Yogyakarta. The 34 hectare campus with its 15 buildings lies approximately 16 Kms from Mount Merapi (the most active volcano in Indonesia), with surrounding village landscape and natural green environment. About 20 % of the land area is occupied by buildings, which are planned to accommodate 20,000 students with a minimum standard of 12 m2/student which exceeds the national standards (7.6 m2/student).

Figure: Main Campus Map of UII

Architecture Department is one of the three departments of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning. Other departments are Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Settled down in the middle of UII campus, the Faculty has an easy access to several academic facilities within the campus. The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FCEP Building consists of 5 floors, each with an area of approximately 3240 m² and totally 12636 m2.Department of Architecture uses part of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor and exclusively uses all of the 4th floor of the building, which has an area of 288 m² for Administration and Management, 481 m2 for Faculty Facilities, 1089 m2 for ‘fixed’ Design Studios of 4th – 10th Semester and 666 m2 for ‘flexible/shared’ Design Studios of 1st – 3rd Semester, 618 m2 for Research and Workshops and 4905 m2 for Support Facilities.

As part of Support Facilities, Auditorium and Lecture Rooms have in total an area of approximately 3945 m2 as sharing facilities with Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Departments. Architecture Department uses exclusively an area of 960 m2 for Lecture Rooms and ‘shared’ Design Studio, personal locker, IRC, individual workspace and review room.

Outside the FCEP building, there are physical facilities available as sharing facilities for all faculties. Among others are “Muhammad Hatta” University Library, “Ulil Albab” Mosque, “Kahar Muzakir” Auditorium, “Prof. Sardjito” Lecture Halls, Sport Hall and Fields.

Figure: Dr. Mohammad Hata Central Library Building

(with a 1000 years old Hindu Temple (called “Kimpulan Temple) in front of the buiding, found during the construction of the building

Maintenance and procurement of buildings are managed by Asset Management Board (BPA: Badan Pengelola Aset) under the Waqf Board (University Foundation), while the provision of lectures and maintenance of the spaces within the Building of FCEP are managed by the Division of General/Supplies Affairs (Bagian Umum/Perbekalan) under the Management of the Faculty Dean.


Design Studios

Design Studios are located on the 3rd and 4th floor of the FCEP building campus (Figure 4.49 and 4.50). There are two types of Design Studios, “shared” and “fixed” Design Studio. “Shared” Design Studio has totally an area of 666 m2.. Shared with other Architecture Lectures, these Design Studios are alloted for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Semester Design Studio. “Fixed” Design Studio has totally an area of 1197 m2 for the 4th, 5th , 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Semester Design Studio, whereas an area of  459 m2 for the 4th/5th Semester Design Studio, 360 m2 for the 6th/7th Semester Design Studio, 270 m2 for 8th Semester Design Studio, 108 m2 for 9th and 10th Semester Design Studio. The design studio schedule for 1st until 7th Semester has been managed that Design Studios of even semester can be used alternately for Design Studios of odd semester.

“Shared” Design Studio for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Semester Design Studio have open plan layouts, each accomodates 40 – 60 students.  “Fixed” Design Studio for 4th/5th Semester, as well as for 6th/7th Semester, is divided into 10 – 12 small units by light walls, each for 12 – 15 students. Design Studio for 8th has an area of 252 m2 and has been composed in open plan layouts. Design Studio for 9th and 10th semester are situated on the 3rd floor which has totally an area of 108 m2.

Total area for Design Studio Space is 1755 m2 for even or odd semester and each design Studio is equipped with drawing desk. The available design studio space is about 2 m2/student which is still below the minimum standard of studio space with independent working desk (2,8 m2/student).To optimize the design studio space, the Architecture Department has planned to decrease the total number of the students accepted in the department in the Academic Year 2016/2017. Every Studio has white boards, screens for projection, and tag boards for exhibition and evaluation. These studio spaces have been designed with passive cooling system (no air conditioning) with the availability of air and light openings to be set flexible by the users.

Individual Working Space and Lockers for Students

Mezzanin on the 4th floor with an area of approximately 234 m2 is provided as individual working space for students. Locker for students is also on the 4th floor, where 350 lockers have been made available in the corridor for the storage of textbooks and other personal materials  




Most of the library facilities are concentrated in the “Mohammad Hatta” University Central Library with the collection, administrative and reading room. The main architecture library is located in the Central Library. A small library with an area of 153 m2 is also available at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning that serves as Reading Room. It provides a collection of special architectural reference books available only to be read, not to be loaned out

Information resources

This section discusses how the university provides information resources, and how the academic community, particularly students, utilize them.

Types of the Library

Currently, the information resources for architecture students are the Central library (Mohammad Hatta Building) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning library (Mohammad Natsir Building, 1st floor) where the architecture department is located. Books and materials collection are mostly available in the Central Library, while the references related to architecture are available in Faculty’s library.The central library,or so called Directorate of library, is stand as the central organization for the entire university’s faculties and departments library.


Both the Central Library and FCEP library are located on the same area, which is in the main campus on Universitas Islam Indonesia

Figure: Location of the libraries (refer also to Figure 4.44 and 4.45 if Subsection 4.6)

Central Library

Central library has collection of books consist of 71.488 volumes in 54.325 Categories, and periodicals, which consist of 3.855 volumes in 3.465 Categories. The Central Library building has approximately 9.000 sq m of area, comprised of 5 stories. The lower ground floor is dedicated for e-library services, while the upper ground and the 1st floors serve general collections and references. In addition to the library services, this facility also has meeting room, audiovisual room, offices and museum.

The building has very unique setting, as it located nearly the ancient hindu Siwastik temple, which assumed built on 9 – 10 BC within Mataram kingdom era. The temple was buried by the eruption of Merapi mountain and accidentally found during the excavation process of central library construction. After long process of qualified the archeological requirements, the building design was adjusted encircle the temple, which made the temple visually exposed and accessible to visitors.


The central library is open on weekdays, with service hours as follow :


  • Sunday to Friday : 08.00 – 22.00
  • Saturday : 08.00 – 16.00


Faculty library

Faculty library which accommodate architecture department has collection of books consist of 13.646 of volumes in 15.145 of Categories.


    • Facility: the Faculty library has 260 sq m with capasity of 15-25 persons. Along with the reading and collection rooms, this facility also equipped with the copy and printing services, ready to use PC’s, discussion room , and a spacious lobby.Mainly, this facility holds the architecture references collection, books from grant, bulletin, tabloid, magazine, and bachelor thesis
    • Policies: the faculty library is open on office days, from Sunday to Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00. Photocopy and printing service is available from 09.00 within office hours.




Degree and Programm in Department of Architecture UII

Degree granted to the graduates based on the program. Graduates of the Bachelor Program in Architecture or Program Sarjana Arsitektur are awarded the title of Bachelor of Architecture or Sarjana Arsitektur abbreviated as S.Ars. For those graduating from PPAr after they finished their Bachelor Program are awarded the degree of Architect or Arsitek abbreviated as Ar.

Table Degrees and Programs



Profiles of Graduates

Professional Program

Arsitek (Ar.)


Professional Junior Architect practicing independently as entrepreneur or serving and empowering communities in the field of building design

Professional Junior Architect applying his or her knowledge and skills by working in design consultant firm and other related fields in construction services, or working in educational institutions and government offices

Bachelor Program

Sarjana Arsitektur


Bachelor in Architecture

Graduates ready to apply his or her knowledge and skills in the fields of design and construction services, and ready to develop his or her competence as professional architect

Graduates ready to develop his or her knowledge and skills in the field of education and research

Graduates ready to apply his or her knowledge and skills related to design and planning

Graduates ready to apply his or her knowledge and skills related to design and planning by initating business or working for other people

Parametric Timber Gridshell Workshop



May 15th – 24 th 2016




Department of Architecture just recently held a national workshop called “Parametric Timber Gridshell Workshop”. This event was organized by Digital Architecture Laboratory and Building Science and Technology Laboratory. According to the organizing committee coordinator, Dr. Yulianto Prihatmaji, this event is held in order to give better understanding participants about how parametric is working on real word. Lead by Syarifah Ismailiah Alathas, the head or Digital Architecture laboratory, the principle of parameteric is utilized trough the workshop by the participants and later on, they have to build the big scale models. This event was followed by UII students and other universities students. On May 24, the result of the workshop; two big sacle models were published in UII main boulevard opened by the Head of Department of Architecture Dr. Noor Cholis Idham and Rini Darmawati the Department secretary, and speech by Chairman of Architect Chamber of Yogyakarta Province Ahmad Saifudin Muttaqi, IAI.

According to the head of department, this event is as a part of department effort to increase the quality in architecture education. Architecture Department UII has many collaboration both with domestic and international  institutions. Summer Camp, Summer School, Winter School, International workshop and seminar, and also International accreditation are the ways to increase the quality toward the UII excellent architecture education.

Curriculum 2013


Currently, Department of Architecture UII run Curriculum 2013. This is the first curriculum designed for 5-year program consisting of 4-year Bachelor program as the Pre-Professional Program in Architecture and 1-year Professional Program in Architecture. Competences as defined by IAI. All of these criteria are distributed in courses in the Bachelor and Professional program. By the time this Curriculum is implemented in 2013, PPAr program is already established for a year. Therefore, some minor adjustment is carried out to match both programs.

Primary references in the development of this curriculum are:

1.    KAAB Conditions & Procedures For Professional Degree Programs in Architecture 2013

2.    Competences for Architects as stipulated by Indonesian Institute of Architects

3.    Charter of Architectural Education in Indonesia 2010

4.    Recommendation of IASA concerning National Competence of Architectural Higher Education 2012

Educational Objective

Educational Objectives to achieve in Curriculum 2013 are as follows:

·    To have excellent communication skills

·     To have comprehensive design skills in the level of medium size buildings

·     To have knowledge in building science and technology based on sustainable development

·     To have sensibility in socio-cultural context and marginal society

·     To have skills and ethics based on Islamic and universal values

Graduate Competence

After defining graduate profiles for both Bachelor and Professional programs above, Department of Architecture UII develop further competences to achieve in each course as derivation of educational objectives and graduate profiles by referring to International and National Standards.

a) International Standard of Competence

In formulating the graduate competence, Department of Architecture UII refer to KAAB Condition and Procedures for Professional Degree Programs (2013). KAAB define the detailed competence into Student Performance Criteria (SPC) consisting of 30 criteria classified into 5 categories including communication, cultural context, design, technical area and professional practice. These SPC are progressively ordered starting with the basic foundation of knowledge and technology, and expanding to the professional technical area and the role and the responsibility of architect in society.

As the SPC establish minimum achievement level for graduates of professional degree programs considered necessary of those intended to apply for license to practice architecture. Professional degree programs must prove that the graduates of the program successfully completed the compulsory courses to satisfy all the provisions of the 30 criteria.

The levels of achievement for each SPC are distinguished in two levels:

·      UNDERSTANDING: Students must acquire, comprehend, and be well acquainteto d with information. Students can correctly paraphrase or summarize information without necessarily relating it to other material or seeing its fullest implications.

·   ABILITY: Students must be capable of manipulating and relating specific information acquired to achieve tasks. Students should be able to select the correct information suitable to the given situation, and facilitate it to resolve the particular problems on hand.

More detailed explanation for the application of these SPC into courses is described in Student Performance Criteria.

b)   National Standard of Competence

Department of Architecture UII refer to National Standards of Competence as defined by IASA which adopt the UIA Charter for Architectural Education (2005) and Standard of Competence as formulated by IAI.

Table IASA Competences




Ability to develop imagination, creative and innovative thoughts, and become pioneers in design

Ability to collect information, formulate problem and perform analysis.

Ability to think 3-D in design exploratiom

Ability to reconcile various factors, integrate knowledge, and apply knowledge in creating design solution


Understanding design methods and theories

Understanding design procedures and processes

Ability to explain design decision supported by design theories and methods


Understanding of historic and cultural precedents in local and world architecture

Understanding of principles of visual arts and their impacts to architectural design quality

Awareness of related regulation, technical references and standards for designing, planning, construction, health, and safety and security of users.

Understanding of principles of building material, construction and structure.

Understanding of design process and integration of building structure, infrastructure and construction technology into functional and effective entity.



Ability to act and communicating ideas through collaboration, discussion, calculation, writing, drawing, modeling and evaluation.

Ability to create architectural model with manual and digital technics to explore, develop, decide and communicate design proposal.

Source: IASA 2011

Structure of the Curriculum

With the establishment of PPAr as an integrated part of Architectural Education, Curriculum 2013 is structured to include both Bachelor and Professional programs with optional termination at the end of the fourth year. Curriculum 2013 of Department of Architecture UII consists of Core Curriculum or National Curriculum as stipulated by IASA and Institutional Curriculum as formulated by the Department. This Curriculum is delivered in 33 compulsory courses plus 2 elective courses for the Bachelor Program (totalling 150 credits) and 4 compulsory courses plus 2 elective courses for the Professional Program (totalling 36 credits).

Table Outline of the Curriculum

Professional Architect Degree Program

(186 credits)

Bachelor Program

(150 credits)

Compulsory (33 courses, 142 credits)

Elective (2-4 courses, 8 credits)

Professional Program (36 credits)

Compulsory (4 courses, 28 credits)

Elective (2 courses, 8 credits)

Curriculum 2013 is structured with considerations:

·Architectural Design Studio (ADS) courses running consecutively from Semester 1 to Semester 10 serve as the backbone of the Curriculum. All of design competences in requiring ability level are distributed in these corses.

·  Other courses with architectural contents are distributed to support the competences achieved in ADS courses.

· Institutional Character Building and Liberal Arts courses are flexibly distributed on the first eight semesters.

Table  Distribution of Courses in Curriculum 2013


Sem. 1

Sem. 2

Sem. 3

Sem. 4

Sem. 5

Sem. 6

Sem. 7

Sem. 8

Sem. 9

Sem. 10


Principles of Islam (2)

State Philosophy (2)

Islamic Leadership Studies (2)

Islamic Thought and Civilization (2)

Citizenship (2)

English (2)

Islamic Worship and Ethics (2)

Entrepre-neurship (2)

Mathe-matics (2)

Student Social Service (2)


ADS I (4)

ADS II (4)


ADS IV (6)

ADS V (6)

ADS VI (8)


Bachelor Final Project (8)

Prof. Studio I (8)

Prof. Studio 2 (8)


Arch. Drawing (4)

Building Information Modelling (4)

Writing Techniques (2)

Academic Writing (4)

Theory Electives (2)

Professional Electives (4)

Theory Electives (2)


Introd. to Arch. (2)

Site Planning (4)

History & Theory of Arch. (4)

Design Thinking (4)

Introd. to Urban Design (4)

Professional Electives (4)

Indonesian Arch. (4)

Housing Studies (2)

Advanced Arch. Theory (8)


Sustainable Arch. (2)

Building Perform. Evaluation (2)

Building Materials & Construction (4)

Principles of Building Structure (4)

Building Structural System 1 (4)

Building Structural System 2 (2)

Integrated Building Engineering (4)

Building Infrastructure (2)

Thermal Environ. Control (2)

Arch. Lighting (2)

Environ. Acoustic (2)


Professional Practice (4)

Studio Electives (4)

Professional Ethics (4)

















Liberal Arts Courses

Contents of  “liberal arts” is implemented in the Curriculum 2013 as the development of competence in forming the fundamental knowledge, personality and characters of the graduates. Most of the courses with this contents are University courses. There are 10 courses with 2 credits each, namely: Islamic Principles, Islamic Worship, State Philisophy, Entrepreneurship, Islamic Thoughts and Civilization, Islamic Leadership, English, Mathematics and Community Services. These courses are distributed in almost all semesters. Due to the limited number of credits in PPAr Program, all of these courses are in the Bachelor of Architecture Program.

Table Distribution of Liberal Arts Courses


Liberal Arts Courses


·   Principles of Islam

·   English

·   Mathematics


·   Islamic Worship and ethics

·   State Philosophy


·   Islamic Leadership


·   Islamic Thought and Civilization





·   Citizenship

·   Entrepreneurship


·   Community Services


Elective Courses

Elective Courses are classified into:

a)     Theoretical Courses

b)    Studio Courses

Table Elective Courses









Arch.l IT

Advanced Architectural Modelling


Arch. IT

Introduction to Augmented Reality


Arch. IT

Photography & Visual Survey


Theory & Urbanism

Vernacular Housing


Theory & Urbanism

Informal Urbanism


Theory & Urbanism

Low Cost Housing


Theory & Urbanism

Tourism Facility Planning


Theory & Urbanism

Public Space Design


Theory & Urbanism

Heritage Conservation


Theory & Urbanism

Experimental Architecture


Theory & Urbanism

Landscape Architecture


Theory & Urbanism

Contemporary Islamic Architecture


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Disaster-responsive Architecture


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Building Performance Simulation


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Appropriate Architectural Technology


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Green Architecture


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Advanced Acoustical Building Design


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Advanced Lighting Design


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Widespan Building Design


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Highrise Building Design


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Smart Building


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Tectonics in Architecture


Advocacy & Profession

Introduction to Real Estate


Advocacy & Profession

Commercial Estate


Advocacy & Profession

Interior Design


Advocacy & Profession

Facility Programming


Advocacy & Profession

Facility Management


Advocacy & Profession

Forensic Architecture


Advocacy & Profession

Real Estate Development


Advocacy & Profession

Building System Management


Theory & Urbanism

Urban Design Studies


Advocacy & Profession

Project Management & Evaluation


Bldg Sci. & Techn.

Tropical Building and Technology


Theory & Urbanism

Landscape Design Studies

Contents of Courses  

The content of each courses are develop along six interrelated domains of knowledge: architectural design, communication,  architectural theories, technology, professionalism and character building. The level of competence to achieved in these domains of knowledge are: awareness, understanding, and ability.


The amount of learning activities in each course, including studio and non-studio subjects, is measured in credit. One credit equals to 50 minutes classroom activities, 50 minutes structured activities and 50 minutes independent activities per week. If a theoretical subject has 2 credits with the SPC in the level of understanding, then, a student is required to attend 100 minutes classroom session per week.

ADS courses with SPC in the level of ability requires more comprehensive activities. For an ADS with 6 credits, for instance, students have to attend: 300 minutes in-studio sessions with mostly tutorial activities and 300 minutes extra-studio activities to enhance their knowledge and skills which may include studium general, field trip, site visit, practical and experimental works, and additional tutorial activities for certain themes.

There are some rules for students to consider in this Curriculum:

1.  Minimum C to pass all Architectural Design Studio courses including Bachelor Final Project and Professional Studio courses.

2.   Minimum C to pass all University courses (Principles of Islam, State Philosophy, Islamic Leadership, Islamic Thought and Civilization, Citizenship, English, Islamic Worship and Ethics, Entrepreneurship, dan Community Service.

3.    Should take minimum 8 credits of elective courses after passing Architectural Design Studio 3.

4.    Professional Program is optional for the graduates of Bachelor Program but it is compulsory for those applying for professional architects.

Evaluation Criteria

To measure the achievement of of each course, the Department of Architecture UII apply this criteria:

Table Evaluation Criteria






       Totally inactive


1% – 39.9%

       Fulfilling the required attendance

       Not showing the required competence


40.0% – 44.9%

       Fulfilling the required attendance

       Submitting partially the assignments

       Achieving low level of competence

       Achieving low level of academic performance


45.0% – 49.9%


50.0% – 54.9%


55.0% – 59.9%

       Fulfilling the required attendance

       Submitting the minimum required assigments

       Achieving satisfactory level of competence

       Achieving satisfactory level of academic performance


60.0% – 62.4%


62.5% – 64.9%


65% – 67.49%

       Fulfilling the required attendance

       Actively participating in the academic activities

       Completing all of the assignments with satisfying results

       Achieving satisfying level of competence

       Achieving satisfying level of academic performance


67.5% – 69.9%


70% – 72.4%


72.5% – 74.9%


75.0% – 77.4%

       Fulfilling the required attendance

       Actively participating in the academic activities

       Completing all of the assignments with excellent results

       Achieving excellent level of competence

       Achieving excellent level of academic performance

       Showing certain distinctive excellences


77.5% – 79.9%


80.0% – 100%

Clusters of Expertise and Laboratories

Laboratories are essential learning infrastructure for ADS courses for students to develope knowledge and exercise skills through practical works and experimentations. Each Laboratory may have different roles and varied methods in supporting learning activities in general or studio program in particular. While laboratories primarily concentrate on applying knowledge, Clusters of Expertise play more significant roles in developing knowledge to deliver in all courses.

Table Distribution of Faculty Members in Cluster of Expertise

Theory & Urbanism

Building Science & Technology

Architectural Information Technology

Advocacy & Profession


Wiryono Raharjo, PhD.


Sugini, Dr.


Arif Wismadi, PhD


A. Saifudin Mutaqi


Maria Andriani


Wisnu H. Bayuaji


Ariadi Susanto [?]







Arif Budi Sholihah,

Etik Mufida

Arman Yulianta

Tony Kunto Wibisono

Ilya F. Maharika, Dr. Ing.

Yulianto P. Prihatmaji, PhD.

Johanita A. Rini,

Munichy B. Edrees

Rini Darmawati

Noor Cholis Idham, PhD.

Muhammad Iftironi

Nensi Golda Yuli



Hanif Budiman

Putu A. P. Agustianda

Jarwa P. S. Handoko

Hastuti Saptorini


Revianto B. Santosa

Table Laboratories and their Roles in supporting Curriculum



Cluster of Expertise

Roles in Developing



Laboratory of Place Making

History, Theory & Urbanism

·workshop in techniques of building survey and measurements, visual survey, behavioral survey

·     workshop in architectural modeling (space & form)

·     workshop in spatial experimentations

·     architectural history, theory and criticism

·     design theories and methods

·     urban design studies

·     urban and regional planning studies

·     housing and settlement s studies

Laboratory of Building Technology

Building Science and Technology

·     workshop in building construction, structure, infrastructure and earthquake simulation

·     workshop in thermal, acoustic, lighting performance simulation

·     workshop in structural modeling

·     building material, structure and construction

·     building system and infrastructure

·     building physics

·     building maintenance and operation

Laboratory of Digital Architecture

Architecture Information Technology

·     workshop in architectural digital modeling and rendering, and graphic design

·     workshop in building information modeling

·     workshop in parametric experimental design

·     architectural digital modeling

·     building information modeling

·     geographic information modeling

·     parametric architecture

·     architectural communication and presentation

·     architectural expert system

Laboratory of Architectural Advocacy and Professionalism

Architectural Advocacy and Professionalism

·     workshop in project documentation, quantity surveying, construction safety

·     architectural clinics

·     advocation and participation techniques

·     project documentation technics

·     development regulation

History of the Curriculum


To achieve competence of the graduates as formulated above, Department of Architecture UII develop curriculum as the fundamental design for learning content and process. Since its establishment in 1987, the Department have implemented 5 curriculums, which are Curriculum 1987, 1995, 2002, 2008, dan 2013. These Curriculums are desugned with primary concerns towards professionalism and international recognition based on local tradition and Islamic values. The variety of approaches and references in achieving professionalism and international recognition gives the characteristics of these Curriculums.

As a newly-established institution, Department of Architecture UII was under the supervision of Department of Architecture Gadjah Mada University. Consequently, its Curriculum was developed following the model of its supervising institution with some additional courses on Islamic values. The first Curriculum of Department of Architecture UII consists of 71 courses, compulsory and elective, distributed in 9 semester. It has 8 Architectural Design Studio courses consecutively delivered in all semester ending with Final Project in semester 9.

Table History of Curriculum in Department of Architecture UII











First Curriculum following UGM model with some addition on Islamic values

(9 semesters)

Comprehensive Professional Orientations  (with 4 studios in the 7th semester)

Building design as primary competence

Consideration of NAAB SPCs by distributin

g these criteria into courses

Further consideration of NAAB SPCs

Integration of courses into studios with larger number of credits (more than 45% of total courses) to follow RIBA pattern

Consideration of KAAB SPCs and other KAAB requirements.

The first Curriculum “genuinely” developed by Department of Architecture UII  is implemented in 1995. It is oriented towards professionalism as a broad field to study. This Curriculum has 58 courses delivered in 8 semester. Three Studio courses are given at semester 7 or the last semester prior to Final Project. Architectural Design Studio, being the primary studio has 8 credits. Other two supporting studio courses are Urban Design Studio and Urban Planning and Housing Studio, each has 4 credits, to extend the ability of the students in designing and planning in these related fields.

Indonesian Association of Schools of Architecture (IASA) is founded in 2001 with Department of Architecture UII as one of its founding member. IASA produce guidelines to implement the Minister of National Education Regulation concerning Curriculum Development in Higher Education. These guidelines suggest that the Curriculum should: a. have well defined graduates’ competence, b. referring the department quality assurance, c. referring to national regulation, d. directing towards international recognition, and f. resulting from harmonization among higher education, society and graduates.

By the time these regulation and guidelines are issued, Department of Architecture UII is reviewing its Curriculum. To comply with these rules, the Department implement the first point of the guidelines by formulating graduates competence focusing on the ability to design building rather than having studios on urban design, housing and urban planning as in the ongoing Curriculum 1995.

During Curriculum review to be implemented in 2002, Department of Architecture UII also aspire towards internalization. It refer, therefore, to international accrediting body guidelines to formulate the competence of the graduates and the content of the Curriculum. The referred guidelines are those formulated by National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB) of the United States of America. All of the 37 competences as stipulated in NAAB regulation are implemented in 59 courses delivered in 8 semesters. These regulation also shape further the detailed competences of the graduates of Department of Architecture UII which are described as:

a.Knowledge on tradional architecture and history of Indonesian and Western architecture

b.Understanding the framework  of architectural knowledge and architectural research method and skills

c.Having the abilty for computer-supported design, and presentation skills

d.Understanding the principles of sustainable development

e.Understanding human behavior, human diversity, accessibily and building economics as design considerations

f.Having Islamic professional ethics and entrepreneurship spirit

g.Having the ability to work independently and in team, critical attitude and long-life learning

All design studio courses in this Curriculum deal with architectural design in the building scale. Stages of development of these Architectural Design Studio courses are formulated to start from a single architectonic composition in Semester 1 to a mid-size building in a particular urban context in Semester 7 prior to Final Project. Variety of contexts and design approaches are also distributed in these studio courses to cover the whole competence in the level of ability as stipulated in NAAB rules.

In developing Curriculum 2008, Department of Architecture UII take further step towards internationalization by inviting an international reviewer, a professor from Department of Architecture National University of Singapore (NUS). As architect’s professional program in NUS is fully accredited by Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), in this occasion Curriculum of UII is reviewed based on criteria and guidelines as stipulated by RIBA and implemented in NUS.

In general, the content of the previous Curriculum complies with the requirement of RIBA. In terms of proportion, however, RIBA requires that the number of credit of all studio courses should comprise at least 50% of all the credits in the Curriculum.

To achieve the required proportion of studio course credits, Architectural Design Studio courses are given more credits by integrating this subjects with other practically oriented courses resulting in the proportion of 45% credits are allocated for studio courses. Consequently, the number of courses are reduced from 59 in the previous Curriculum to 41 in Curriculum 2008.