Tag Archive for: Laboratories

Workshop Arsitektur Digital


Workshop Arsitektur Digital

Digital Architecture Laboratory is the most important facilities in now day’s architecture education. In order to compliment the students with up to date way to design, the laboratory has been equipped with high specs computers and related tools. BIM or Building Information Modelling is utilized with various software and applied to Architectural Design Studio (ADS), starting from ADS 3 – to ADS 7, especially ADS 6 where completed technical drawing is required.

The laboratory is also has a duty to expand the digital tools for other design aspects such as building science and technology and building design. Serial workshops and short courses in the field are frequently developed both for students only and open for public. Environmental control by information technology and parametric design are some of the most subject of digital workshops.

Together with other laboratory in the department, Digital Architecture Laboratory also frequently organize teams to participate design competitions. Send lecturer and staff to join workshop and seminar in the field.

In order to serve the students, this laboratory is open for 24 hours for 7 days in a week and only closed for national and religious holidays. 20 laptops and 40 PCs are ready for the students accompanied by other digital tools.

Figure: Digital Workshop


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Figure: Digital Workshop


Official Staffs:

Head of Laboratory: Syarifah Ismaliyah Alathas, ST, MSc

Staff: Hartono (Harry)

Telp: +62 274 898444 ex.3245


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One of the most important resources for architecture study is design laboratory. Architectural Design Laboratory in Department of Architecture UII has role key to boost design capabilities of the students. This laboratory responsible to manage core courses of Architectural Design Studio ADS from ADS 1 to ADS 7. While ADS 8 is arranged by special task force team as the final project for B. Arch program. ADS 9 and ADS 10 are managed by Professional Program (PPAr) in fifth year. The laboratory periodically invites experts from urban designer, civil engineer, landscaper, mechanical and electrical designer, as well as professional architect to give some sessions on the studios. The course events called as KUE.

In order to increase the skill of students, Architectural Design Laboratory organizes supplementary courses or workshops as co-curricular activities such as Model Making, Hand Drawing and Manual Sketch, Photography, and others. For these purposes, the laboratory periodically invite some experts or professional to train the students.

The laboratory is also given duty to organize student activities related to design competition both for national and international levels. Some student studio works have been transformed to design documents for design competitions.

Facilities in the laboratory are Model making tools, Laser Cutter Machine, 3D Printer  

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Figure: Guest Lecturing KUE with Architect Professional

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Figure: Architectural Design Studio (ADS)


Official Staffs:

Head of Laboratory: Arman Yulianta, Ir, MUP

Staff: Syahid Faoji (Oji)

Telp: +62 274 898444 ex.3225



Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur

Laboratorium perancangan secara langsung mendukung penelaahan teori dan praktik rancangan, baik yang berskala mikro (building design) maupun yang berskala makro (urban design). Laboratorium ini menyelenggarakan praktikum yang mendukung kegiatan perkuliahaan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan perancangan seperti pembuatan model tata ruang dalam dan tata masa. Secara rutin menyelenggarakan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa dan koordinasi penyelenggaraan kuliah umum serta melaksanakan kegiatankegiatan pengkajian masalah perancangan melalui acara seperti seminar, kelompok diskusi serta workshop (misalnya: workshop berkaitan dengan fotografi, teknik presentasi, membuiat maket).

Selain itu laboratorium ini juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas atau peralatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung layanan di atas, berupa slide film lengkap dengan slide projector, kamera, kamera digital, dan air brush. Pelayanan buku-buku perancangan, grafis, majalah interior serta fotografi arsitektur, contoh gambar kerja, tugas-tugas perkuliahan untuk mahasiswa dan umum. Pada waktu tertentu secara rutin mengadakan pameran kecil, hasil dari tugas-tugas kuliah.

Terletak di lantai 4 Gedung Muh. Natsir (FTSP) bagian sayap barat, Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur, Universitas Islam Indonesia, memfasilitasi berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan perancangan arsitektur di lingkungan kampus. Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur secara langsung mendukung proses penelaahan teori dan praktek rancangan, baik pada skala mikro (desain bangunan) maupun pada skala makro (urban design). Selain itu, kegiatan perkuliahan yang khususnya berkaitan dengan perancangan seperti perancangan model tata ruang interior dan tata masa turut didukung oleh Laboratorium ini. Secara rutin Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur menyelenggarakan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa dan juga sebagai koordinator penyelenggaraan kuliah umum, seminar, serta workshop (misalnya : workshop teknik presentasi APREB, Workshop Drafting, dan pembuatan maket).

Beberapa fasilitas penunjang kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut yang disediakan oleh Laboratorium Perancangan diantaranya adalah penyediaan alat survey yang terkait dengan perancangan, komputer dan printing service serta kamera digital.  Sedangkan untuk penyediaan referensi, Laboratorium Perancangan menyediakan berbagai buku-buku perancangan, buku grafis, majalah interior, tabloid, buku fotografi arsitektur dan beberapa contoh gambar kerja. Fasilitas-fasilitas ini sepenuhnya dapat dimanfaatkan bagi dosen, staf dan mahasiswa, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan.

Laboratorium Arsitektur Digital

Laboratorium Arsitektur Digital memfasilitasi proses perancangan arsitektur dengan bantuan komputer. Melalui kegiatan praktikum, tutorial, kursus berlisensi dan kegiatan penunjang lainnya mahasiswa akan memperoleh kemampuan dasar dan peluang mengembangkan diri dalam hal; pemodelan dan penggambaran untuk membangun citra dua dan tiga dimensi (dengan menggunakan program berbasis CADD); presentasi gambar statik dan dinamik (dengan program berbasis raster editing, Gimp) dan presentasi verbal (dengan program berbasis Open Office dan interactive media); komunikasi searah (dengan program berbasis HTML dan Macromedia); simulasi; manajemen proyek; sistem informasi verbal, numerik dan grafis dan penyuntingan citraan vector graphic (dengan program Inkscape), dan video image (dengan program berbasis video editing). Fasilitas yang disediakan adalah komputer, printer, viewer dan scanner. Pada waktu tertentu secara rutin diadakan pameran hasil tugas mahasiswa secara digital.

simple model structure


Building technology laboratory is one of three laboratories in architecture department of civil engineering and planning faculty. It’s placed on the fourth floor of Mohammad natsir building (faculty building). This laboratory serves study, education and research needs in student building technology, lecturers, and cooperation with third party. In a larger scale, this laboratory holds building technology practicum that involve wood construction, material technology, structure system, lighting and thermal system, building utility, and open the service publicly for implementation services.

Activities that are held in this laboratory are technique knowledge comprehension related to architecture fields in theoretical and practice, form study and model or mockup-making with and without further examination. Moreover, this laboratory has a relationship with other parties through seminars or workshops that related to material studies and building technologies.

Facilities in the laboratory are structure and construction models, material samples, wood-machinery, wood-drier, finishing tools and paints, light meter, and sound level meter.

 Figure: Simple models sclupture

Laboratorium Teknologi Bangunan merupakan salah satu dari tiga laboratorium di Jurusan Arsitektur FTSP UII yang terletak di sebelah timur lantai empat gedung M. Natsir, Kampus Terpadu UII. Laboratorium ini berfungsi untuk melayani kebutuhan pengajaran, pendidikan dan penelitian di bidang Teknologi Bangunan mahasiswa, dosen serta kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga. Dalam lingkup yang lebih luas laboratorium ini menyelenggarakan praktikum Teknologi Bangunan yang meliputi bidang Konstruksi Kayu, Teknologi Bahan, Sistem Struktur, Pencahayaan dan Penghawaan Bangunan, Utilitas Bangunan serta membuka layanan secara umum untuk jasa-jasa pelaksanaan.  

Adapun kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain pendalaman ilmu keteknikan yang berkaitan dengan bidang arsitektur dalam bentuk pemahaman teori-teori teknik dan arsitektur berupa peragaan, studi bentuk dan melakukan pembuatan model replika dan maket dengan atau tanpa pengujian lebih lanjut. Selain itu, laboratorium ini juga melakukan kerjasama dengan pihak luar melalui seminar maupun workshop  yang berhubungan dengan bidang bahan dan teknologi bangunan.

Fasilitas yang tersedia berupa model-model struktur dan konstruksi, sampel material bangunan, rnesin perkayuan, alat pengering kayu, peralatan finishing dan pengecatan, alat pengukur cahaya (light meter), serta pengukur suara (sound level meter) .

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Figure: Working on architecture models



Figure: Working on architecture models


Official Staffs:

Head of Laboratory: Supriyanta, Ir, MSi

Staff: Yatiman (Timmy)

Telp: +62 274 898444 ex.3231




Activities of the Lab


‘Ku E!’
‘Kuliah Umum Euy !’ (Ku E!) is a name for general lectures series held in early phase of each semester. The concept is to bring in a fine yet refreshing know-how architectural design expertise to the students. Topics presented are ranging from major world issues such as sustainability and urban development as well as alternative architectural wisdom. We had successfully conducted 24 series until present time, and planning to have 12 more Ku E! in 2012.

As other laboratory in the Department of Architecture, ADL also run some workshops to improve students’ architectural skills. They are ‘Portofolio and Architectural Presentation Board Workshop (P-APREB)’; ‘Technical Drawing Workshop (Techni)’; and ‘Site Survey, Mapping, and Analysis Workshop (SMAP)’. The workshops are open for entire semester indicated by the department working guidelines.

As a lot students’ initiative to participate in national and world design competition or partake in mini research, ‘LofTalks’ are provided to be a space to communicating ideas and bridging information. This activity is held every fourth-Friday each month.

In addition to the 3 main activities, ADL also supporting research programs (‘ReSEARCH’) as well as ‘Open Student Project (O-SP)’ having collaboration with four center studies ( such as C_GUS, CSD, CITAR) and student communities such as GAWE (community on urban and rural design), ARENGI (drawers and sketchers community), Mimar (architectural students organization).

In ADL, we have supporting facilities, such as;
•    A small yet extensive reference room with collections ranging from Architecture and Interior design, City and Civic design, Landscaping, and magazines and films;
•    workshop room contain drafting machines and photography unit (under development);
•    laboratory equipments such as audio visual devices, and site survey suppliers.
•    locker and assistants room with pantry, internet access, and a praying room.
ADL concept is having interactive knowledge and skill search in a dynamic ambience. We are open to be visited in week day, 9am  to 4 pm on:
FTSP Bdg, 4th floor – West Wing
KM 14,4 of Kaliurang St
Yogyakarta – Indonesia
or contact us on e-mail : [email protected]

Urban Archiecture Laboratory