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Even Semester 2019/2020
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning

Raharjo Sembodo – Perancangan Kampung Vertikal di Jogoyudan

Heruwaldi Liswhanda – Perancangan Resort di Pantai Selatbaru Bengkalis

Hendri Sakti Amboina – Perancangan Rumah Susun Tepian Sungai Elo di Magelang

Ahmad Satya Nagara – Perancangan Pusat Terapi Autis Pada Re-Design Kebun Binatang Gembiraloka Yogyakrta

Wildan Muhammad Haikal – Perancangan Gedung Olahraga Ramah Difabel di Gentan, Sleman

Novi Ratria Putri Asvivi – Perancangan Apartemen Rakyat di Janti Yogyakarta

Ken Husnan Isard – Perancangan Apartemen Mahasiswa dengan Fungsi Co-Working Space di Bulaksumur Yogyakarta

Saeful Rahman – Perancangan Terminal Bandar Udara Wiriadinata Tasikmalaya dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernakular

Devaldi Aqshal – Perancangan Museum Gunung Krakatau Sebagai Shelter Tsunami di Anyer Banten

Insan Muttaqin – Redesign Pasar Tradisional Gentan dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biophilic

Arsitektur UII Berduka

Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Islam Indonesia turut berduka cita yang mendalam atas kepergian Ar. Ahmad Djuhara, IAI – Ketua IAI Nasional 2018 – 2021

Semoga amal dan ibadahnya diterima Allah SWT, serta keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan kesabaran dan keikhlasan….Aamiin YRA


Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan arsitektur setara dengan negara-negara maju, Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Islam Indonesia sekali lagi membuktikan pencapaian yang membanggakan. Setelah mendapatkan Akreditasi Internasional KAAB selama tiga tahun dari 2017-2020, Arsitektur UII melalui skema program pendidikan 4+1 tahun kali ini mendapatkan status akreditasi penuh enam tahun untuk periode 2020-2026 melalui Korea Architectural Accrediting Board (KAAB) di bawah Canberra Accord. Sebuah pencapaian level akreditasi internasional tertinggi!

Untuk diketahui, Canberra Accord adalah deklarasi kesetaraan global pada pendidikan professional arsitektur (substantial equivalency of professional degrees in architecture) yang diratifikasi oleh Amerika (NAAB), Australia (RAIA), Kanada (CACB-CCCA), Tiongkok (NBAA), Korea (KAAB), Meksico (COMAEA), dan Commonwealth Association atau Persemakmuran Inggris Raya (CAA). Canberra Accord ini juga diakui oleh Perserikatan Arsitek Dunia (UIA) dan UNESCO di bawah Charter for Architectural Education. Dengan demikian, institusi yang mendapatkan akreditasi oleh salah satu lembaga di atas secara otomatis akan diakui secara global.

Untuk dapat memenuhi kesetaraan ini, maka pendidikan arsitektur lima tahun dengan pemenuhan kualitas tinggi dan penyediaan fasilitas bermutu adalah syarat utama. Jurusan Arsitektur UII telah memenuhi persyaratan itu dengan membuka skema pendidikan 4+1 dengan pelaksanaan Program Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) di tahun kelima sejak 2014. Program tersebut sebagai pelengkap dari program Sarjana Arsitektur sejak 1987 yang telah berkali mendapatkan akreditasi tertinggi A dari DIKTI sejak 2003. Beberapa fasilitas berstandar global Antara lain Studio 24 jam, Perpustakaan 7 hari dalam seminggu dengan lebih dari 7.500 koleksi arsitektural cetak dan ribuan on-line berlangganan, studio di konsultan arsitek professional, International Program, international exchange, dan sebagainya. Dengan skema ini, mahasiswa UII dijamin untuk menjadi arsitek professional dengan kualitas internasional.

Arsitektur UII kini juga tengah bersiap untuk selalu meningkatkan kualitas dengan menyiapkan kurikulum terbaru sesuai era disrupsi 4.0. Proses pembelajaran terkini dengan memanfaatkan teknologi IT sesuai dengan karakter generasi milleneal juga tengah disiapkan. Pembelajaran yang efektif namun menyenangkan adalah tujuan utama dari pembelajaran di Arsitektur UII. Dengan demikian, generasi arsitek yang handal untuk era masa depan dapat disipakan dengan masuk di Arsitektur UII! /NCI

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Curriculum for PPAR

The Implementation of “In Campus” Studio for PPAr

Professional Studio 1 and 2 within the PPAr are conducted “off campus”. This method is a result of negotiations between UII and IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia – Indonesian Institute of Architects) of Yogyakarta Branch, prior to the commencement of PPAr because UII wanted its PPAr graduates to be granted the status of “Arsitek Muda” (Junior Architect). The process of professional certification is further described in Section 3. In response to the need of quality assurance in the studio supervision process, the management has decided to move the venue of Professional Studio 2 “in campus”. As a result, the Department of Architecture has set up an additional studio facility to accommodate the activities of Professional Studio 2, which has been running since this semester, beginning in March 2016.

The moving of Professional Studio 2 in campus does not change the basic concept of Professional Studio delivery, i.e., incorporating the real architectural project into studio exercises. Within the Professional Studio 2 students are required to work on projects delivered by architects. In other words, the management of PPAr has made some agreements with its partnering architects to bring their work into the studio to be done by students. By this methods, the supervision of students is conducted under the same nature as any other in campus studio, i.e., Architectural Design Studio 1 to 7 within the first 4 years of study (see Section 4), except that the projects assigned to the students are real. In other words, the supervision by project’s owner remains in effect. Students are required to consult periodically the progress of their accomplishment.

The exercise of “in-campus and off-campus studios” in this Department is not unique. A report of  Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ASCA) suggests that despite architecture schools in the United States and Canada must meet similar accreditation criteria, the programs are remarkably different especially in the attempt to introduce an ‘integrated’ professional experience’ in the education, i.e., a required co-op internship or off-campus experiences. Prior to the establishment of 4 + 1 program at UII about three years ago, the off campus internship was integrated with the 4 years curriculum of 2008 and before. However, since the modification of the curriculum in 2013 that led to the establishment of the 4+1 program (undergraduate plus PPAr), the previous co-op internship program was replaced by Professional Studio in the PPAr.

Curriculum Structure of the PPAr

The introduction of “in campus” Professional Studio 2 has led to the adjustment of curriculum structure. Before, both Professional Studio 1 and 2 were conducted off campus. The problem occurs in the second semester where Elective 2 has to be taken at the same time with Advanced Architectural Theory (AAT), because students have to wait until the end of the “off campus” Professional Studio. However, the starting time of AAT overlaps with half time of the “off campus” Professional Studio, which makes the proper supervision difficult to conduct because the students are not always available in campus.

In order to overcome such a problem, the “in campus” Professional Studio 2 has been introduced. This mode of delivery allows students to have a more controlled time in the studio than that of the previous structure because the mode of learning is the same as the previous studio learning they experienced during their first 4 years, i.e., Architectural Design Studio 1 to 7. In other words, the Elective 2 can be taken at the same time with Professional Studio 2, yet they can start the Advanced Architectural Theory before they fully complete the Professional Studio 2. In addition, the number of electives offered has been increased to 4, which gives more options and flexibility to the students to choose the electives according to their interests.

Competence Assessment for the Granting of Architect’s Certificate

As discussed in Section 3, prior to the granting of certificate as “Arsitek Muda” (First Degree Architect) at the end of the PPAr, the students must attend an event called “Preliminary Verification and Validation”, which is intended to assure the quality of Professional Studio products before the are examined by LPJK (Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi – Agency of Construction Services Development). In previous years, this process was separated from the PPAr because by default, the granting of certificate is not part of university’s responsibility. However, starting this year (2016), the PPAr management has set up an agreement with both IAI (Institute of Architect Indonesia) and LPJK to integrate the process into PPAr.  

The above figure explains that the scope of certificate for “Arsitek Muda” (First Level Architect) is limited, which means that a holder of such certificate (the fresh graduate of PPAr) may only conduct a simple architectural desidn projects. He or she will be allowed to undertake project with a higher degree of complexity after at least two years of experience as a First Level Architect, and passes the assessment of the Second Level Architect (Arsitek Madya) at the end of his/her two years working period.

ADS 10 (Professional Studio 2)

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ADS 9 (Professional Studio 1)

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