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Contact Us

Jurusan Arsitektur
Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Mailing Address  : Gedung Moh.Natsir Kampus Terpadu Jalan Kaliurang km 14,5. Besi. Sleman. Yogyakarta 55584
Phone    : +62 274 896440 ext.3238 (Bachelor Program) / ext.3279 (Professional Program) / ext.3229 (Master Program )
Fax        : +62 274 895330
Email      : [email protected] (Bachelor Program) / [email protected] (Professional Program) / [email protected] (Master Program )

Important Contacts:

1. Noor Cholis Idham, ST,M.Arch.,Ph.D, IAI Head of Architecture Department Phone:+62274898444.ex 3230
      Email: [email protected]
2. Rini Darmawati, , Ir, MT Secretary of Architecture Department Phone:+62274898444.ex 3280
      Email: [email protected]
3. Ahmad Saifuddin Muttaqi, Ir, MT. IAI Head of Professional Program of Architects Phone:+62274898444.ex 3277
      Email: [email protected]
4. Jarwa Prasetya Sih Handoko,ST,M.Sc Secretary of Professional Program of Architects Phone:+62274898444.ex 3279
      Email: [email protected]
5. Suparwoko, Ir, MURP, PhD, IAI Head of Master of Architecture Program Phone:+62274898444.ex 3299
      Email: [email protected]
6. Arif Wismadi, Ir,M.Sc, PhD Secretary of Master of Architecture Program Phone:+62274898444.ex 3279
      Email: [email protected]
7. Putu Ayu Gusti Ananda, ST, MSc, PhD Secretary of International Class in Architecture Phone:+62274898444.ex 3238
      Email:  [email protected]
8. A Robbi Maghzaya, ST, MT Final Project Coordinator Phone:+62274898444.ex 3292
      Email:[email protected]
9. M.Galieh Gunagama Head of Architectural Design Laboratory Phone:+62274898444.ex 3225
      Email:[email protected]
10. Supriyanta, Ir, MT Head of Building and Technology Laboratory Phone:+62274898444.ex 3231
      Email: [email protected]
11. Syarifah Alathas Ismailiyah, ST, MT Head of Digital Architecture Laboratory Phone:+62274898444.ex 3245
      Email: [email protected]

Unisys Overview

Selamat Datang di Unisys. Unisys adalah Layanan Informasi Akademik bagi Orang Tua / Wali mahasiswa UII.

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  • Registrasi: Untuk melihat data registrasi mahasiswa yaitu data induk dan alamat mahasiswa di Jogja
  • Akademik: Berisi informasi-informasi akademik mahasiswa yang bersangkutan seperti: status akademik, jadwal kuliah, kehadiran kuliah, KHS semester, KHS Kumulatif, Indeks Prestasi dan Konsentrasi Studi.
  • Keuangan: Berisi informasi-informasi keuangan mahasiswa yang bersangkutan seperti: jadwal pembayaran, sejarah SPP, Tridharma, tagihan dan lain lain.
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Self Assessment

Self assessment of architecture program

Strategic Objective, Long Term Plan and Operation Plan

UII Academic Master Plan 2008-2038 is the long term plan document for the University. In this document the plan is divided into four stages:

Stage I         : Teaching University (2008-2014)   

Stage  II      : Excellent Teaching University (2015-2022)

Stage III      : Pre-Research University (2023-2030)

Stage IV      : Research University (2031-2038)

According to this long term plan, currently the University is in the Stage II to achieve Excellent Teaching University, which is defined as follows:

Excellent University in learning and education in curriculum development and research-based learning process emphasizing on local genius with international quality assurance.

The effort to accomplish this stage is formulated every four year in a Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan is directed to achieve a number of strategic objectives, beginning at university level and derived into faculty and department level to ensure the conformity of the objectives of all units in UII. These university strategic objectives in 2014-2018 adopted by Department of Architecture and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning are further developed into program or operational plan as described in the table below.


Figure Organization of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FCEP)

Table Strategic objectives and Operational plan of Department of Architecture Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Universitas Islam Indonesia 2014-2018

Strategic Objective



Implementing Islamic values into learning processes to achieve global reputation,

  • Improving the understanding of Islamic values    


Developing research-based learning by improving the quality of research and community development especially those related with local genius towards world class university,

  • Curriculum evaluation based on KAAB

  • Improving learning strategies and models to integrate research & learning

  • Improving academic ranks of teaching staff

  • Increasing research publication

  • Enhancing partnership with certain villages for community development

  • Revitalization of research centers


Developing staff capacity by improving their competence and commitment based on Islamic vision,

  • Capacity development for administrative staff in services and international language

  • Capacity development for laboratory staff

  • Capacity development for teaching staff

  • Recruitment for qualified teaching staff

  • Improving IT-based quality of services


Developing responsive system based on standardized information technology, infrastructure, working environment and study environment towards sustainable campus,

  • Improvement of students’ entrepreneurship

  • Improvement the quality of management

  • Improvement quality of IT for stakeholders

  • Improvement of energy efficiency


Improving students’ achievements and characters based with good vision and personality,

  • Improvement of students’ participation ini students’ research grants and awards, and architectural design competition


Creating graduates with excellent competition and situational leadership,

  • Improvement of collaboration with alumnae


Enhancing institutional profiles by improving quality assurance, collaboration, accreditation and research publication

  • Achieving international accreditation

  • Improvement of international collaboration, academic exchange and student exchange

  • Improvement staff capacity in responding contemporary issues


Source: Strategic Plan of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Universitas Islam Indonesia 2014-2018

Management and Quality Assurance System of the University

 The University has a system of Quality Assurance as part of whole University governance. The performance evaluation system of the Department of Architecture is also an integrated part in the management and quality assurance system of the University.


This management system in UII is developed comprehensively in the university and faculty level based on five principal managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling, to achieve the vision and deliver the missions. In the university level, this system is carried out by the Rector, assisted by three Vice Rectors (Academic Affairs, Internal Affairs and Student Affairs) and a number of  Heads of Boards as the Rector’s think tanks in formulating University policies and regulations. Each Vice Rector is assisted by Directors to manage in the operational level of the university coordinated by the Vice Rector. Management in the faculty level is led by a Dean and a Vice Dean and a number of staffs in academic and non-academic divisions. The Department is directed by a Head of Department and assisted by a Secretary of the Department.

Progress Achieved in Each Objective

Curriculum Development

In order to prepare the Department for the application of KAAB Substansial Equivalency and later KAAB Accreditation, the Curriculum of Bachelor Program and PPAr are developed to fully comply with KAAB requirements. All the Student Performance Criteria as formulated by KAAB are properly distributed into courses according to expected level of competence.

Bachelor Degree Curriculum

The current Curriculum for Bachelor program is formulated in 2013 after a year review. Particular attention is given to a series of Architectural Design Studio (ADS) Courses. Serving as the “backbones” of the program, these courses run consecutively through all 8 semesters of the program, starting with ADS 1 and ending with Bachelor Final Project. Generally, the educational objectives of the program are maintained but the design of each courses is adjusted to meet the requirements of KAAB. SPC requiring design ability are identified and distributed in Studio courses. Other courses are designed to support the ADS courses delivered in the subsequent semesters.

Professional Degree Curriculum

Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) or the Profession Architect Curriculum are formulated a number of times due to the changing regulation of the Government and the demand of architectural professional world. The current Curriculum for PPAr was re-formulated in 2015. PPAr UII attempts to balance these external requirements with the intention of the institution. This program is designed to prepare graduates to be engaged in the professional practice as Junior Architect (First Degree). This preparation is carried out by immersing the students in professional architectural works in architectural firm and in campus, and by guiding them to reflect their works to develop the practical knowledge of architecture. Few SPCs related to professional practice are assigned to this professional program. Further details on PPAr-related issues are discussed in Chapter 2 and 3.

Course Delivery

The review and restructuring the Curriculum greatly affect the delivery of certain subjects, especially the ADS courses. These studio courses are delivered more intensively by increasing the amount of student activities in the campus so that they may be more frequently supervised by lecturers and tutors.

Experts in particular field in architecture and experts from related field (urban planning, visual arts, infrastructure design, community participation etc.) are invited to give lecture to enrich students’ knowledge while they are doing design studio.


More intensive studio courses requires more comprehensive infrastructure to support their activities. Some rooms are reserved solely for studio courses so that students may have 24 hour access to their working spaces. This studio culture also encourages students to exchange ideas among themselves.

Laboratory activities are also intensified by providing more equipments. The Department acquire more tools for modeling and environmental measurement to enable students to improve their design works.

Currently, the Department develop IT-based image storage of students’ works. This database is instrumental in enriching design works, setting benchmark and avoid plagiarism.

Students’ Capacity

Students’ Capacity is improved generally in three strategies

  • Curriculaire activities. The activities are normally conducted in the form of courses both conducted by University and by Study Program. Courses conducted by University generally concentrate on the attitude and on general skill. Courses conducted by study program (i.e. Architecture) will focus on the development of specific skills and knowledge. The overall curriculaire activities must fulfill all four competencies defined in the Indonesian Quality Framework (see Table 1.2).

  • Co-curriculaire activities. The activities are generally conducted by the University for the purpose of development Islamic values and attitude. The Faculty and study program level may however enrich the co-curriculaire activities especially to develop soft skills related to the field of expertise (such as teamwork, communication skills etc).

  • Extra-curriculaire activities. The activities are generally conducted by students themselves under the “Student Governance” policy. Students are organized in three levels namely in University, in Faculty and in Study Program. They are organized in executive bodies to conduct all programs and representative bodies to control the program both in University and Faculty level. In Study Program level, students are organized in the form of association such as Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur (Architecture Students Association). Those organization will develop student’s organization skills. For the specific interest, Architecture Student Association  develop great number of variety of communities such as music percussion (Sakarepe), theater (7Garit), photography, etc.

Human Resources

The improvement of staff capacity is carried out in two ways:

–      Recruiting more qualified staff

–      Improving the capacity of the existing staff

Research-based Education & Practice-Based Education

Research-based education is instrumental in improving the quality of the content in higher education. For field like architecture, however, practical knowledge is also developed in professional practice. The Department encourages lecturers to be involved in research and professional practice and disseminating the knowledge gained in these activities in education. This effort is carried out by:

  • Facilitating lecturer-student research collaboration

  • Inviting researchers and professionals to give lecture or to be adjunct professor

  • Revitalizing  of Research Centers to conduct research and publication and applying the output for teaching

International Collaboration

International Collaboration is important for both students and faculty members to improve cross-cultural experience and mutual understanding of the participants,, to enrich the knowledge and insight of students and staff, and to enhance global reputation of the institution.

Join Studios and Courses with Faculty of Architecture and Design Fatih Sultan Mehmet University (FSMU) in Istanbul

In this collaborative program students from UII and FSMU works together in small groups to design certain facilities based on their understanding of social, cultural and physical context in Istanbul and Yogyakarta. This program is carried out three times as:

  1. Summer School 2014 in UII Yogyakarta attended by 27 UII students and 25 FSMU students

  2. Winter School 2015 in Istanbul followed by 21 UII students and 25 FSMU students

  3. Summer School 2015 in Yogyakarta followed by 38 UII students and 30 FSMU students

The Department also support and encourage students to participate in international exchange programs and conferences

Karya Pengabdian Masyarakat Institusional

Berikut adalah daftar beberapa kegiatan dan karya pengabdian kepada masyakarakat yang diampu secara institusional oleh Jurusan Arsitektur, utamanya oleh Lembaga Bantuan Arsitektur.

Bagi masyarakat terutama takmir masjid, pengurus pesantren, dan komunitas Islam lain yang menghendaki bantuan teknis arsitektural dapat menghubungi kami.

Perancangan untuk Asrama Santri Putra-Putri dan Asrama Guru Putra-Putri, Lokasi : Yayasan Darunnajah, Jakarta Selatan

Yayasan Darunaja Jakarta

Perencanaan pembuatan Master Plan Gambar Bangunan Gedung SMPIT Bina Umat, Lokasi : Dusun Setran,Sumberarum Kec.Moyudan Sleman Ykt.

Yayasan Bina Umat

Perancangan Master Plan, Gedung Aula & Rumah Kyai Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Perancangan Rumah Pimpinan & Guest House Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Perancangan Asrama Putra & Putri dan Asrama Guru Putra dan Putri Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Perancangan Bangunan TK, SD & SMK Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Perancangan Situasi & Perspektif (Poster), Perhitungan RAB dan Simulasi 3D Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-Muko Bengkulu

Pendampingan usulan pendirian SMK Tunas Bangsa Muko-muko Bengkulu

Dikdasmen Depdiknas Jakarta & PP Roudhotunajah Bengkulu

Perancangan SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta

SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta

Penyuluhan rumah sehat

Kelurahan karanglo selman

Penyuluhan rumah tahan gempa

Cedeeds UII & Goverment of japan

Perancangan pembangunan Masjid Komaruddin Suryodiningratan Yogyakarta

Takmir masjid

Perancangan Masjid Nurus Syamsi Minggiran Yogykarta

Takmir masji

Pendamingan rekonstruksi pascagempa nDalem Pujokusuman Yogyakarta

Universitas Tujuh Belas Agustus Surabaya

o. Perancangan masjid al hidayah klitren yogyakarta

Takmir masjid

p. Sosialisasi bangunan tahan gempa, pajangan bantul


q. Perancangan SDIT Alam Nogotirtleman

Yayasan SDIT Alam

r. Perancangan untuk Asrama Santri Putra-Putri dan Asrama Guru Putra-Putri, Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-muko Bengkulu

Yayasan Roudhotunajah

s. Perancangan Master Plan, Gedung Aula & Rumah Kyai Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-muko Bengkulu

Yayasan Roudhotunajah

t. Perancangan Rumah Pimpinan & Guest House Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-muko Bengkulu

Yayasan Roudhotunajah

u. Perancangan Asrama Putra & Putri dan Asrama Guru Putra dan Putri Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-muko Bengkulu

Yayasan Roudhotunajah

v. Perancangan Bangunan TK, SD & SMK Pondok Pesantren Roudhotunajah Muko-muko Bengkulu

Yayasan Roudhotunajah

w. Perancangan Kompleks Gedung SMPIT & SMUIT Yayasan Bina Umat Sleman

Yayasan Bina Umat

x. Perancangan Pondok Pesantren Ihya As Sunah Degolan Sleman

Yayasan Ihya Sunah

y. Perancangan Panti Asuhan Yayasan Bina Remaja Sleman

Yayasan Bina Remaja