Tag Archive for: 2016


Dalam rangka memeriahkan hari ulang tahun Republik Indonesia 2016, Jurusan Arsitektur UII bersama dengan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan FTSP UII mengadakan sayembara terbuka untuk umum masyarakat se Yogyakarta. Sayembara ini dimaksudkan untuk desain dan karya terbangun Gapura desa atau kampung dan dusun masyarakat Yogyakarta.

Ayo ikuti dengan mengajak Pak RT, Pak RW, Pak Kepala Dusun, Pak Kepala Kampung, Pak Lurah di tempat anda masing-masing!

Hadiah total 10 juta rupiah menanti

Informasi lengkap di facebook: Bambu Merdeka


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Department of Architecture Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), once again, organize Summer School Program starting from July 30th to August 20th 2016. Architecture Department UII Yogyakarta in collaboration with Architecture Faculty Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University (FSMVU) Istanbul will held the Architecture Summer School 2016 in Istanbul. This event will be as the fourth exchange collaboration after fruitful Summer School 2014, Winter School 2015, and Summer School 2015. The activities will be a joint architectural design studio, architectural excursions, and social-culture exchange activities.

The beautiful city of Istanbul


From previous collaboration activities, both parties teachers and students enjoy close and warm relationship among them. Multicultural atmosphere in higher level architectural education has been achieved either held in Istanbul or in Yogyakarta.

This summer, we will have many activities in the most beautiful city of the world, Istanbul. So many historical objects and buildings are waiting to be explored. So many brother and sister are ready to collaborate with us. In the other hand, we are ready to introduce more about our Nusantara architecture which is believed as part of world architectural influences including from the Ottoman.

20 students and 4 teachers will be UII delegation for the event.

Looking forward to meet Istanbuliant there!

Last Winter School Istanbul 2015 and Summer School 2015 Yogyakarta