Blue Ribbon Award PAS Semester Ganjil 2015/2016

Pameran dan penjurian PAS periode utama semester Ganjil 2015/2016 telah digelar  pada hari Jum’at 22 Januari 2016 di Hall FTSP UII, dengan juri Bapak Sofian Sibarani, MUDD. LEED AP (Associate Principal AECOM Indonesia). Peserta PAS yang telah lulus pendadaran memamerkan produk berupa APREB, maket, gambar, dan laporan PAS.

Juri tamu memilih dua karya terbaik yang dipamerkan sebagai pemenang “Blue Ribbon Award ” PAS semester ganjil 2015/2016, yang jatuh kepada Karnggo Raka Siwi (bimbingan Bapak M.Iftironi) dan Tatag M. Arhath (bimbingan Bapak Ilya Maharika).

Masing-masing pemenang berhak mendapatkan hadiah sebesar satu juta rupiah dan piagam penghargaan yang dapat diambil di studio PAS lantai 4 (Pak Sarjiman) mulai 1 Maret 2016. Selamat!


ARCASIA Students’ Architectural Design Competition 2016

The Organizing Committee
The Committee of this competition is composed of members of the Students’ Jamboree Committee, the 17th Asian Congress of Architects. 

This is a design ideas competition that invites students in the field of Architecture to contribute ideas and concepts that respond to the theme “Green Lifestyle”. Each country is facing their own sustainability concerns and students are encouraged to identify, at the same time resolve, these issues by using architectural designs. 

Objectives of the competition 
Students are free to select a site to come up with design ideas, built or portable or a prototype, which would encourage users to participate in a green and sustainable lifestyle. Students are encouraged to think along lines of cost effectiveness, energy efficiency, low carbon footprint, zero carbon emission and implementable means that may work with one need found in your particular region of Asia, or one which might even be effective when adapted in many different situations. 

Date and Event 
21st March 2016 – 20th May 2016 Submission of design to the respective National 
20th May 2016 Deadline for Submission to the respective National 
17th June 2016 Selection and announcement by the respective 
End of July 2016 Announcement of final 5 best designs 
29th September 2016 Announcement of Competition Result 

The Jury Panel
1) Chairman of ACAE (Head Juror) 
2) ARCASIA, Zone A-Member (Vice Chairman),
3) ARCASIA, Zone B-Member (Vice Chairman)
4) ARCASIA, Zone C-Member (Vice Chairman)
5) Convener of ARCASIA Students’ Architectural Design Competition

Entry Eligibility
Any current full-time student studying Architecture or related courses accredited/ recognized by the respective National Architectural Institutions (NIA) of ARCASIA member countries.

Individual / Team Submission
Individual or team submissions accepted (No limitation on number of team members. Students are only allowed for one submission either on an individual or team basis.) 

1. One file containing one A1-sized layout (594mm x 841mm) in landscape format, including (but not limited to) the following: 
a. Location Plan/ Site Plan/ Block Plan/ Building Plans at appropriate scale;
b. Minimum one cross-section and or elevations at appropriate scale;
c. Diagram/ Sketches highlighting the design ideas and features; 
d. Photomontages, Perspectives, and or other illustrations that can illustrate the ideas and design concepts;
e. Animation is not accepted.

2. Design Statement of 500 words maximum (font size: 12) in .doc format to explain the overall proposal, with proposal title.
3. Duly completed and signed Entry Form in .pdf format Anonymity and Confidentiality of Entries
No identification marks shall appear on the graphic layouts and the Design Statement. The participant shall keep his/ her entry confidential and take necessary steps to ensure it is not disclosed to any third parties throughout the competition until the public announcement of results. 

Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights belong to the author(s), but upon submitting an entry to the category, the participant declares, warrants, agrees and undertakes that the submission (Intellectual Property Rights inclusive) would be used for promotion/ publication of the event. 

Assessment Guidelines
The selected entries will be judged in accordance with the broad assessment guidelines (see below) by the Jurors. The decision of the Jury Panel shall be final and binding on all parties concerned and decisions cannot be appealed against. Participants do not have the right to request for access to the Jurors’ comments or records on the adjudication.
1. How the identification of sites or green issues can reflect the special context of their country; 
2. How the proposed design can enlighten the understanding of green or sustainable lifestyles. 

Prizes and Results
1) One Gold Award: HKD5,000 and Trophy
2) One Silver Award : HKD2,000 and Trophy
3) Three Bronze Awards : Each with HKD1,000 and Trophy
4) All shortlisted entries will be showcased at The 17th Asian Congress of Architects (ACA17) in Hong Kong in 2016.

Exhibition and Publication of Entries
The organizer is entitled to display or exhibit on any date and in any venue the entries or any part thereof, and publish including the report of the category events together with any selected entries. 

All entries shall be in English. 

For enquiries, please contact Ms Carman WONG and Ms Jocelyn KWOK of Event Secretariat by email at [email protected] (enquiry only).

1) Competition document 
2) Entry Form

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Architecture Final Project Preparation Courses

Bagi yang mau Tugas Akhir Arsitektur atau Proyek Akhir Sarjana (PAS) Arsitektur, DIWAJIBKAN mengikuti rangkaian seminar persiapan PAS berikut. Seminar ini terbuka untuk mahasiswa lainnya, peserta KTI, ataupun STUPA 6.



Dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas dan standar internasional, maka kuliah dalam bahasa Inggris semester ini dapat ditempuh pada mata kuliah sesuai pengumuman sbb:


Coming Soon On May 2016 

Workshop ini terbuka bagi semua mahasiswa Arsitektur dengan persyaratan terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa MK Tektonika Arsitektur dan MK Pemodelan Arsitektur Lanjut 2015/2016. Workshop ini dibimbing langsung oleh 3 dosen Arsitektur yaitu Yulianto P. Prihatmaji ST.MT.Dr , Syarifah Ismailiyah A, ST.,MT dan M. Galieh Gunagama, ST.,MT 



Workshop Timber Gridshell ini akan dibimbing langsung oleh 3 Dosen Arsitektur yaitu Yulianti P.Prihatmaji (Tektonika Arsitektur), Syarifah Ismailiyah A (Permodelan Arsitektur Lanjut), M. Galieh Gunagama (Permodelan Arsitektur Lanjut). Workshop ini terbuka bagi semua mahasiswa Arsitektur dengan  mengambil salah satu MK Pilihan (MK Tektonika Arsitektur atau MK Permodelan Arsitektur Lanjut) saat keyin semester Genap 2015/2016. 

For More Information : Syarifah Ismailiyah dan M. Galieh Gunagama 


Diumumkan kepada seluruh mahasiswa Arsitektur bahwa Seminar Week akan segera dilaksanakan yang ditujukan untuk pembahasan materi KTI dan PAS berkaitan dengan Pusat Study dan Kelompok Bidang Keahlian (KBK) dosen sebagai berikut:


Cari beasiswa untuk studi di Belanda



Cari beasiswa untuk studi di Belanda

Klik di sini untuk mencari beasiswa studi di Belanda bagi pelajar Indonesia.

Ada banyak alternatif pembiayaan untuk studi di Belanda, baik yang ditawarkan oleh perguruan tinggi Belanda, pemerintah Belanda maupun pemerintah Indonesia.

Untuk memudahkan pencarian beasiswa untuk studi di Belanda, Anda bisa menggunakan mesin pencari beasiswa Grantfinder.

Dengan Grantfinder, Anda bisa mencari beasiswa berdasarkan jenjang studi, bidang studi yang Anda minati, serta tujuan studi Anda.

ASEAN Scholarship (AUS)

Scholarships Administered by NUS

Eligible students will be considered for the following scholarships through their application for admission to NUS. NO separate scholarship application is required.


Interested students should submit separate applications to NUS to be considered for the following scholarship.




Chevening Scholarships in Indonesia are awarded to outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year Master’s at any UK university. The scholarship programme provides a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

A Chevening Scholarship offers financial support along with the opportunity to become part of the highly regarded and influential Chevening global network.

Applicants from Indonesia can choose any course of study, but we particularly welcome applications in the following fields:

  • Climate change
  • Economics
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Foreign policy
  • Governance
  • Public sector management
  • Science
  • Technology


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