Architecture Alumnus Speech on the 5th Graduation Day 2016
Figure: Herman Nigata as Alumni Representation on Graduation Preparation with Rector Dr. Harsoyo (center) and Head of Architecture Department Dr. Noor Cholis Idham (left)
Herman Nigata Neman, one of the first alumni of Departmen Architecture was giving speech in the 5th Graduation Day 2016. He was chooses among thousands of alumni to represent the department graduated who has bright professional career in the field. After graduated as Sarjana Teknik or Engineer in Architecture in 1993 he was recruited by Multinational Corporation and sent him abroad to take his postgraduate study in DELF Institute Netherlands and CAMDEN New Jersey USA. He spent 3 years for his career in Netherlands and 10 years in France. Later on, he manage a national company in Jakarta.
On his speech, Nigata told that the students now has more far advantage compare to his time where almost everything was limited. He could work and enjoy multinational environment from hard work and discipline. He believe that all skills and education of graduated students of UII are more than enough to be have bright career in the future. He also stated that the value of Islam in UII education system has an important role to perform great individual morale which is needed in nowadays professional life. For this reason, moral perfection is more important; people may make mistake but he or she must be honest. Only by that way, the ideal future development may achieved.