Non Permanent Lectures

Andri Prasetyo Yuwono ,S.Sos., M.I.Kom.
Ali Usman ,S.Fil.I., M.S.I.
Ali Wafa Muhni ,ST., M.Eng.
Ariadi Susanto ,S.T., M.T.
Astri Hapsari ,S.S., M.TESOL
Chudlori Muchtar, Drs, MPd.I
Datta Hitakaraka ,S.T.
David Hendri ,S.T., M.T., IAP.
Dharmasanti Rawidya Putri ,S.E., S.Pd.
Diah Arifika ,S.Fil.,M.Sc.
Dyah Perwita Sari ,S.T.
Hanindya Kusuma Artati ,ST., MT.
Indah Pujiyanti ,S.T., M.Sc.
Ivada Ariyani ,S.T., M.Des
Iwan Darmawan ,S.T., M.Sc.
M. Fahmi Muqoddas, Drs.,M.Hum.
Mohamad Muhajir ,Lc., M.A.
Mufti Afif ,Lc., M.A.
Muhammad Aziz ,S.T., M.Cs.
Nurizka Fidali ,S.T.
Priyo Pratikno, Ir.,M.T.
Rachmat Wahyu Prabowo ,S.T., M.Eng.
Sudarto Drs.,M.Hum.
Yulia Pratiwi ,S.T., M.Eng.
Yunanta Arief Rusmana ,S.T., M.T.

Studio Tutors

Supporting Staffs


Photography Studio

CAD Room

Jurusan Arsitektur saat ini memiliki sebuah Ruang CAD (atau CAD Room) yang memiliki 40 komputer. Empat puluh komputer ini terintegrasi dalam jaringan internal di Laboratorium Arsitektur Digital dan mempunyai beragam software yang berlisensi. Di antaranya adalah ArchiCAD di mana Laboratorium secara rutin menyelenggarakan tutorial dan kursus. Mahasiswa dapat memakai komputer di atas secara bebas di luar waktu yang telah dijadwalkan untuk tutorial, praktikum ataupun perkuliahan. 

Manual Drawing Workshop


Jurusan Arsitektur juga memiliki Ruang Workshop Gambar Manual yang dibawah koordinasi Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur. Menggambar secara manual (tanpa komputer) tetap sangat diperlukan oleh para mahasiswa arsitektur karena akan menjadi bekal dasar kehidupan profesional kelak. Sensitifitas terhadap skala, kemampuan menggoreskan garis-garis yang tegas dan yakin serta proporsional, serta kemampuan untuk mengeksplorasi rancangan melalui diagram dan parti hanya dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dengan gambar tangan.  Alat bantu berupa mesin gambar akan menjadikan gambar lebih akurat dan sekaligus melatih tangan agar juga dapat lebih akurat. 

Di ruang ini terdapat 40 meja gambar yang dapat dipakai oleh para mahasiswa dengan bebas (di luar waktu workshop yang terjadwal). Peminjaman penggaris dapat menghubungi  Laboratorium Perancangan Arsitektur. 

Global Studio


Global Studio adalah sebuah wadah pembelajaran yang diorientasikan untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa berprofesi di lingkup global. Fasilitas ini terdiri dari ruang kerja untuk para mahasiswa di tingkat profesional yang dilengkapi dengan referensi, copy center, serta ruang diskusi yang dirancang modern dan menarik. Ke depan, fasilitas ini dirancang untuk dapat digunakan 24 jam. 

Urban Archiecture Laboratory

Architecture Design Laboratory

Architecture Design Lab (ADL) is a human resources based laboratory. It visions to encourage creativity and extensive knowledge among students. To have the goals, we have 3 main activities conducted; ‘Ku E!’ , Workshops, and ‘LofTalks’.

  • ‘Ku E!’

    ‘Kuliah Umum Euy !’ (Ku E!) is a name for general lectures series held in early phase of each semester. The concept is to bring in a fine yet refreshing know-how architectural design expertise to the students. Topics presented are ranging from major world issues such as sustainability and urban development as well as alternative architectural wisdom. We had successfully conducted 24 series until present time, and planning to have 12 more Ku E! in 2012.

  • Workshops

    As other laboratory in the Department of Architecture, ADL also run some workshops to improve students’ architectural skills. They are ‘Portofolio and Architectural Presentation Board Workshop (P-APREB)’; ‘Technical Drawing Workshop (Techni)’; and ‘Site Survey, Mapping, and Analysis Workshop (SMAP)’. The workshops are open for entire semester indicated by the department working guidelines.

  • ‘LofTalks’

    As a lot students’ initiative to participate in national and world design competition or partake in mini research, ‘LofTalks’ are provided to be a space to communicating ideas and bridging information. This activity is held every fourth-Friday each month.

In addition to the 3 main activities, ADL also supporting research programs (‘ReSEARCH’) as well as ‘Open Student Project (O-SP)’ having collaboration with four center studies ( such as C_GUS, CSD, CITAR) and student communities such as GAWE (community on urban and rural design), ARENGI (drawers and sketchers community), Mimar (architectural students organization).

In ADL, we have supporting facilities, such as:

  • A small yet extensive reference room with collections ranging from Architecture and Interior design, City and Civic design, Landscaping, and magazines and films;
  • workshop room contain drafting machines and photography unit (under development);
  • laboratory equipments such as audio visual devices, and site survey suppliers.
  • locker and assistants room with pantry, internet access, and a praying room.

ADL concept is having interactive knowledge and skill search in a dynamic ambience. We are open to be visited in week day, 9am to 4 pm on:


4th floor – West Wing KM 14,4 of Kaliurang St

Yogyakarta – Indonesia

or contact us on e-mail : [email protected]