Program Profesi Arsitektur

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Architect Professional Program UII

The Professional Program in the Department of Architecture UII (PPAR/Year 5)

The establishment of professional program (PPAR) in the department of architecture UII is stated in the Strategic Plan of UII (University Renstra) year 2014-2018 in correlation with the re-design of university, faculty, and department organization of UII. The establishment plan then elaborated in detail in the faculty of civil engineering and planning’s strategic plan.

The aim of the establishment of the professional program is intended to meet the needs of the professional architect in Indonesia and ASEAN market especially after the agreement of ASEAN Economic Community/AEC in 2015. In addition, the global environment and community has led Indonesia to sign the standardization and synchronization of the educational system, especially in the field of architecture. Some agreements ratified by the Indonesian Government such as AFTA 2000, APEC 2010, and WTO 2020 have required the improvement of the workforce education in order to compete in the international level. In 2008 Indonesia signed the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Architectural Services (ASEAN-MRA) to recognize the qualification to become an ASEAN Architect (AA). The implication of MRA is the requirement qualification of ASEAN Architect in line with the international standards including the qualification of school of architecture to comply with the international standards (5 years program).   

Union International of Architects (UIA) is an agency under UNESCO-United Nations responsible and competent in giving the recognition to the architect and accreditation/validation/international recognition of equality for the school of architecture internationally. The MRA for ASEAN Architect also refers to standards of education and competence of architects by the UIA. In this case, so far the architectural education system in Indonesia which only within 4 years duration does not meets the UIA requirement (5 years program).  Hence, the professional program of architecture in the department of architecture UII with 4+1 year scheme is established to give the opportunity for the architecture graduates in Indonesia to be equal with their counterpart in ASEAN and international level.


  • To produce professional architect who are competent in the design, strong capability in professional practice, which are integrated to build entrepreneurial attitudes in the field of architecture supported by management skills in information technology-based architecture

  • To produce knowledge applicable in the field of construction services to support the role of the architect in the society in shaping a sustainable built environment

Program Objectives

The objective of the professional program is to prepare the candidate of professional architects who are able and ready:

  • To conduct professional practice in the field of architecture based on professional ethics in the planning and managing resources to produce the works of architecture comply with cultural value

  • To develop a professional design performance capabilities presented by the critical analysis of design problems, the adequacy of review of context, having good skills in the design of the built environment (architecture) and supporting knowledge of technology

  • To be able to solve factual problems, technology, and art in the field of architecture through multidisciplinary approach and able to integrate the entire process of design with allied profession to produce design of the built environment (architecture) with integration and good quality

  • To be able to design research and taking strategic decision with high accountability and responsibility for all aspects under the responsibility of architecture profession

In order to achieve the mission and objectives of the architecture professional program several efforts is accomplished. First, the effective and efficient management with the support of good governance, synergy, and integration in the department, faculty, and university level is implemented in the program. Second, capitalize all aspects of supporters including partnership, adequate infrastructure, funding, curriculum, academia (faculty members and adjunct professors), students, and administrative staffs. Third, design and implement educational curriculum based on competency (Competence-based Curriculum) and learning methods based on supervised studio by  professional architects supported by good infrastructure of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as medium of learning as well as ICT as expertise to support the andragogy competence of the graduates. Fourth, having clear financial revenue projections including the calculation of investment, investment source, the annual projection of operational expenses and tuition fees considered to implement the program.

The professional program (PPAR) opened since the academic year of 2012/2013. To date there have been four batches with 25 total graduates recorded in 2014/2015. Of the total number of the graduates, 60% have awarded as Arsitek Muda IAI. The number of PPAR student’s increases from time to time and it is expected to continue increased along with the current enactment of PPAR graduates will automatically awarded as Arsitek Muda IAI upon their completion.

Architecture Professional Practice and Professional Ethics Courses in the department of architecture UII

Architecture Professional Practice is a four credit of compulsory subject taken by the student in semester 5. The learning objective of the subject is that the student understand and aware of the architecture professional practice especially related to particular aspects, as follows: working relationship of the between architect and client (individual, private and public enterprises, or government) as written in IAI standards, understand the various form of design assignment, stages of the design process, architect standard works (AIA, IAI, Ministry of Public Works), the implementation of the design process (project operation), organization and working procedures team, construction document standard, bidding, and negotiation process.

Apart from the professional practice, professional ethics is a two credit of compulsory subject which must be taken in semester 1 of PPAR (year 5). This subject is a collaborative subject managed by lecturers in the department and training strata 1 and strata 2 as well as the code of professional conduct that are managed by IAI. Code of conduct of the architectural profession, building code in Indonesia, architectural accreditation system as well as registration to accreditation of Indonesian Institutes of Architect (IAI), and other related regulations are amongst the material of this subject. It is expected that through Professional Ethics subject will educate the students on professional ethics and understanding their responsibility as professionals and as architect for the whole society including for the marginalized groups.

Qualification to Practice, Registration, and Architectural Accreditation Information

The information regarding the qualification to practice, registration, and accreditation to the students is embedded in the subject of Professional Ethics and Professional Practices. Moreover, occasionally lecturers of other subjects also provide information regarding this matter, such as in the design studio subjects. Hence, it is expected that the students will have a more comprehensive understanding regarding the significance of architectural accreditation and registration process.

Together with other information such as the importance of professional education in architecture the information of professional accreditation and registration is given to the student as early as semester 1, especially in the first meeting of new students and the head of department and other lecturers. The information of professional accreditation and IAI registration system is specifically mentioned at any period of graduation (6 times a year/every 2 months) to the graduates of 4 year program (S.Ars) as the target for the professional program and prospective member of IAI. The information regarding the professional program (PPAR) is also conducted to the working partners of PPAR (architectural firms) twice a year at the beginning of each semester. Information to other institutions and collegiate/academia of architecture in Indonesia is continuously interwoven, for instance through IAI (for the last five years the chairman of IAI is held by one of the faculty member of Architecture UII: Ir. Munichy B. Edress, M.Arch) and through Indonesian Association of School of Architecture (APTARI), as the former head of department of architecture UII is the chairman of Academic and Knowledge APTARI (Dr.-Ing. Ilya Fajar Maharika, IAI). Through academia and professional forums in Indonesia, the information especially regarding PPAR-UII is conducted, bred, and developed, as it has been acknowledged that the department of architecture UII plays a leading role in the national level.

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Learning Outcome PPAR

Program Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek, Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Islam Indonesia, bertujuan sebagai berikut (program learning outcome):

Menyiapkan Arsitek Profesional yang mampu melakukan praktek kerja di bidang arsitektur, dengan berpegang pada kode etik profesi arsitek.

Menyiapkan arsitek profesional yang siap disertifikasi oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia menjadi arsitek berlisensi penuh (“full licensed architect”) berstandar internasional.

Mengembangkan kemampuan kinerja profesionalnya yang ditunjukkan dengan ketajaman analisis permasalahan, keserbacakupan tinjauan, kepaduan pemecahan masalah dan integrasi dengan profesi selingkung.

Menyeimbangkan antara pengetahuan/kemampuan sains dan teknologi, khususnya bidang arsitektur dengan etika moral dalam menghadapi kompetisi dunia kerja.



Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr)

Di level internasional, pendidikan arsitektur adalah sebuah proses pendidikan profesional dengan durasi 5 tahun. Hal ini didasarkan pada Charter for Architectural Education yang dikeluarkan oleh UNESCO – Union International of Architects (UIA). Dalam dokumen yang dikeluarkan badan tertinggi arsitektur tersebut, sekolah arsitektur, untuk mempersiapkan maahasiswa menjadi seorang arsitek profesional, harus memiliki minimal 2 jenjang pendidikan yaitu jenjang pertama (first stage) yang setara dengan sarjana (Sarjana Teknik) dan jenjang kedua (second stage) yang setara dengan Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) yang dirumuskan oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI).

Sistem pendidikan dua jenjang inilah yang diacu Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Islam Indonesia untuk memasuki era internasionalisasi dan sekaligus mempersiapkan mahasiswanya menjadi seorang Arsitek, bukan hanya Sarjana Teknik dalam bidang Arsitektur.

Sebagai bentuk formalisasi Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) maka Jurusan Arsitektur telah mengusulkan pendiriannya ke Rektor Universitas Islam Indonesia dan telah disetujui oleh Senat Fakultas tanggal 19 Juli 2012. Secara kurikuler, PPAR ini merupakan sebuah program pendidikan profesi yang merupakan kelanjutan dari pendidikan Strata 1. Jurusan Arsitektur menjadikan PPAr ini pilihan bagi para mahasiswanya dengan syarat dan kuota tertentu. 

13 Professional Competence | IAI

01. Perancangan Arsitektur

Kemampuan menghasilkan rancangan arsitektur yang memenuhi ukuran estetika dan persyaratan teknis, dan yang bertujuan melestarikan lingkungan 

Ability to create architectural designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements, and which aim to be environmentally sustainable

02. Pengetahuan Arsitektur

Pengetahuan yang memadai tentang sejarah dan teori arsitektur termasuk seni, teknologi dan ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan manusia 

Adequate knowledge of the history and theories of architecture and related arts, technologies, and human sciences

03. Pengetahuan Seni

Pengetahuan tentang seni rupa dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas rancangan arsitektur 

Knowledge of the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design

04. Perencanaan dan Perancangan Kota

Pengetahuan yang memadai tentang perancanaan dan perancangan kota serta ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam proses perancanaan itu 

Adequate knowledge on urban design, planning, and the skills involved in the planning process

05. Hubungan antara Manusia, Bangunan dan Lingkungan

Memahami hubungan antara manusia dan bangunan gedung serta antara bangunan gedung dan lingkungannya, juga memahami pentingnya mengaitkan ruang-ruang yang terbentuk di antara manusia, bangunan gedung dan lingkungannya tersebut untuk kebutuhan manusia dan skala manusia 

Understanding of the relationship between people and buildings and between buildings and their environments, and of the need to relate spaces between them to human needs and scale

06. Pengetahuan Daya Dukung Lingkungan

Menguasai pengetahuan yang memadai tentang cara menghasilkan perancangan yang sesuai daya dukung lingkungan 

An adequate knowledge of the means of achieving environmentally sustainable design

07. Peran Arsitek di Masyarakat

Memahami aspek keprofesian dalam bidang Arsitektur dan menyadari peran arsitek di masyarakat, khususnya dalam penyusunan kerangka acuan kerja yang memperhitungkan faktor-faktor sosial 

Understanding of the profession of architecture and the role of architects in society, in particular in preparing briefs that account for social factors

08. Persiapan Pekerjaan Perancangan

Memahami metode penelusuran dan penyiapan program rancangan bagi sebuah proyek perancangan 

Understanding of the methods of investigation and preparation of the brief for a design project

09. Pengertian Masalah Antar-Disiplin

Memahami permasalahan struktur, konstruksi dan rekayasa yang berkaitan dengan perancangan bangunan gedung 

Understanding of the structural design, construction, and engineering problems associated with building design

10. Pengetahuan Fisik dan Fisika Bangunan

Menguasai pengetahuan yang memadai mengenai permasalahan fisik dan fisika, teknologi dan fungsi bangunan gedung sehingga dapat melengkapinya dengan kondisi internal yang memberi kenyamanan serta perlindungan terhadap iklim setempat 

Adequate knowledge of physical problems and technologies and of the function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against climate

11. Penerapan Batasan Anggaran dan Peraturan Bangunan

Menguasai keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi persyaratan pihak pengguna bangunan gedung dalam rentang-kendala biaya pembangunan dan peraturan bangunan 

Necessary design skills to meet building users requirements within the constraints imposed by cost factors and buildign regulations

12. Pengetahuan Industri Kontruksi dalam Perencanaan

Menguasai pengetahuan yang memadai tentang industri, organisasi, peraturan dan tata-cara yang berkaitan dengan proses penerjemahan konsep perancangan menjadi bangunan gedung serta proses mempadukan penataan denah-denahnya menjadi sebuah perencanaan yang menyeluruh 

Adequate knowledge of the industries, organizations, regulations, and procedures involved in translating design concepts into buildings and integrating plans into overall planning

13. Pengetahuan Manajemen Proyek

Menguasai pengetahuan yang memadai mengenai pendanaan proyek, manajemen proyek dan pengendalian biaya pembangunan 

Adequate knowledge of project financing, project management and cost control