Assist. Prof. Hanif Budiman, Ph.D
(Head of Undergraduate Program in Architecture)

Assoc. Prof. Arif Budi Sholihah, Ph.D
(Secretary of Undergraduate Program in Architecture)

Dyah Hendrawati, M.Sc
(Laboratory Manager)

M. Galieh Gunagama, M.Sc
(Head of Laboratory of Form and Place Making)

Johanita Anggia Rini, Ph.D
(Head od Laboratory of Building Performance and Technology)

Faiz Hamdi Suprahman, MA
(Head of Laboratory of Architectural Modeling and Urbanism)

M Kholif Lir Widyo Putro, ST, MSc
(Head of Laboratory of Architectural Communication and Business)

Muhammad Rosyid, S.I.Kom
(Administration Staff of Undergraduate Program in Architecture)

Merlina Rahma Hati, S.Pd
(Administration Staff of International Undergraduate Program in Architecture)