Architecture Education and Professional Practice in Indonesia

The Role of Architecture in the Society and Reconcile Conflict of Interests amongst Various Groups regarding the Spatial Environment

Understanding the role of architecture in society and reconcile the conflict of interests among various interest groups regarding the spatial environment is cultivated through several courses, including Informal Urbanism, Sustainable Environment, Introduction to Urban Design, and Low Cost Housing. The knowledge then tested in the Architectural Design Studio Courses which emphasise certain themes in the spatial environment issues such as Cultural Sensitivity (STUPA 5), Technological Advancement (STUPA 6), Urban Context (STUPA 7) and real projects in the Professional Studio 1 and 2.

Conflict reconciliation will also be cultivated once the professional program student actively involved in IAI as members. Forums in IAI are engaged with various architectural and spatial environment issues, which also include in conflict amongst parties in architectural practices. Hence, it is expected that knowledge and ability regarding the role of architecture in the society and reconcile conflict in the architectural education will be tested and challenged upon their completion and as member of professional institution (IAI).

Ethics and Professional Obligations to Respond Social and Environmental Issues in the level of Built Environment and Urban Design

Apart from the Professional Practice and Professional Ethics, the obligation to respond social and environmental issues in the level of built environment and urban planning is cultivated for the students through several compulsory and elective courses including Sustainable Architecture (2 credit/compulsory), Informal Urbanism (2 credits/compulsory), Introduction to Urban Design (4 credits/compulsory), and Low Cost Housing (4 credits/elective).

Sustainable Architecture aims to provide the students with understanding of ecological values and social acceptance in accordance with economic/technical feasibility during designing process. Through this course the student is well-equipped with the science and architecture based on sustainable development. Informal urbanism aims to give basic understanding, identifying issues and problems in Informal urbanism. Through this course the student is well-equipped with issues on social and urban problems and how to find solution and recommendation of concept for informal urbanism problem especially in the case of Indonesian cities.   

Introduction to Urban Design is a 4 credit compulsory course aims to introduce the students to urban design and development both in eastern and western world by giving knowledge on urban morphology, elements of urban design, urban problems, and concept of urban design. It is expected that the students are able to understand and analyse various urban problems in order to comply STUPA 7 course which aims to design in urban context. Other related course to respond social and environmental issue is Low Cost Housing. Low Cost Housing is a 4 credit elective course aims to give the students critical and creative thinking in looking for solution towards housing problems for low income groups. It is expected that through this course the students will have social sensitivity towards the low-income and marginalised groups.

The knowledge from these theoretical courses then will be re-addressed in various level of Architectural Design Studios. The students are challenged to show their ability to design architectural works based on their knowledge especially how to respond social and environmental issues in the level of built environment and urban design.

Professional Practice based on Public Interest and Good Citizenship

Professional practice based on public interest and good citizenship is formally cultivated through Community Service Program (KKN), a 3 credit of a compulsory university course. KKN is an intra-curricular subject within the form of community service activities conducted in group of students  from various multidisciplinary department or faculty. The aims of KKN are to bring the student: 1) to cultivate community knowledge, understanding, and social insight, 2) to be able to identify community problems, solving problems, decision making, and conducting and evaluating programs, 3) to be able to work in team, in honesty, in equality, and independence based on Islamic values.

In this course, the students will live in the society for more than a month (35 days, with some variations) guided by a lecturer (supervisor) and field assistants. During this period, together with the community the students conduct field observations, formulating work plan, disseminating plan to the community, implementing program, and reporting the program to the supervisor. Through this course, it is expected that the student will have the ability to work as a team with the community/public, understanding problems in the community, and try to solve it through programs. It is also expected that through KKN the student will be able to live as good Indonesian citizen so that upon their graduation the will also willing and able to share their expertise and knowledge to the broader public and society.

In addition, the cultivation of good citizenship is also done through the Association of Architecture Student (HMA MIMAR) which regularly organised various social activities including community service in Code River Valley (2016), environmental service in villages around UII Campus, and Guard Post Charity also around the campus area (2015).

Communication and Interaction with the Professional

Communication and interaction with the professional community is an important aspect recognized from the formulation stage of curriculum in the department of architecture UII. By design, the curriculum mandates and provides a wide range of opportunities for the students to be able to communicate and interact with the professional community, such as in direct (face to face) or indirect (e.g., studion simulation, videos, or as mentioned in the lectures).

In the last three years, the communication and interaction have been interwoven through various efforts, including: first, the professional architects invited as Guest Lecturers in variety of subjects (design studios and theoretical classes). Second, invite the professional architects as Exhibition Jury at the Final Project (end of Year 4) as part of the assessment criteria, especially by Arsitek Madya/Utama IAI. The assessment from external Jury is expected to be a media of interaction between the students, their architectural works, and the professionals in order to get input and showing the student’s excellence works during their studentship. The implication of this occasion is the familiarization of student’s work to the IAI members and vice versa, for them to get input and assessment from the world of profession.

Third, invite IAI lecturers for the Training Strata 1 – 6 to the department as part of the Professional Ethics subject. There are plenty opportunities for the students of PPAR to communicate and interact with the IAI professional lecturers about the world of architecture profession. Fourth, invite the IAI Initial Verification and Validation Team (TVVA) in the workshop of 13 Competence of IAI. In this occasion, the students presenting their works to be verified and validated by the IAI team. Fifth, IAI and LPJK tested the student of PPAR through Professional Architect Competence Test (Uji Kompetensi Arsitek Professional) as part of the assessment process towards Arsitek Muda IAI. Sixth, in the PPAR Graduation Ceremony three parties (Dept. of Architecture UII-IAI-LPJK) present and give speeches towards the world of Architecture Profession.

Raising Awareness of the Importance and Necessity of Continuing Professional Education

As early as first semester the awareness on the necessity of architectural education has started to be given to the new students. At the first meeting with the new students head of department and academic supervisors specifically highlight the importance of professional education (5 years) to be completed by the students. Other efforts to raise awareness in this matter are providing opportunities for students in year 1 – 4 to sit in professional program (PPAR) courses and before students take Final Project subject (end of Year 4) there is a special presentation on the importance of professional practice and professional program. These efforts are expected to further increase their interest to continue their education in the PPAR.  

The Importance of Roles and Responsibilities of Related Disciplines in the Practice

The roles and responsibilities of related disciplines in architectural practices is important to be addressed and cultivated amongst the student from the early stages of their study. The curriculum implemented in the department of Architecture UII drives the multi disciplinary platform for the students to work with others in related disciplines of architecture. Architectural Studio 6 (STUPA 6) is specifically designed to give the opportunity for the  students to engage with various disciplines including Economist, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer (MEE), Structural Engineer (Civil Engineering), and Environmental Engineer. The mechanism is by inviting these experts as Guest Lecturers at the early stage of STUPA 6, and continued after mid-term times through supervision sessions so that the students can directly having a one to one discussions and consultation regarding their designs. The mechanism above is not only provide knowledge on the roles and responsibility of related disciplines for the students but also giving chances for the students to communicate and work with people from various related disciplines in architectural practices.

In terms of content, theoretical courses such as Introduction to Urban Design, Informal Urbanism, Sustainable Architecture, and Housing Studies also provide important knowledge regarding the roles and responsibilities of related disciplines in the practices.  These includes Urban Designers, Environmental Engineer, Lawyer, Economist and etc. to be part of the architect’s team work whenever conducting projects in various context (rural, urban) and various content (feasibility study, schematic design, DED, and etc.). Hence, through STUPA 6 and related theoretical courses it is expected that the students is fully aware, understand, and able to work with people from various disciplines, knowing their roles and responsibilities so that the architectural works will be accomplished in best way.  

Capabilities to Coordinate Clients, Public and Private Enterprises and to Reconcile Conflict  

The capabilities to coordinate clients, public and private enterprises and to reconcile conflict is well-cultivated through several courses including Professional Practice, Professional Studio 1 (PPAR). In the Professional Practice, the students understand the pattern of working relationship between client (both private and public), architect, and constructor and how to reconcile whenever conflict is occurred based on IAI standard of operation.  

Professional Studio 1 conducted by placed the student in an Architectural Firm for 16 weeks and fully supervised by lecturer and principal architect of related firm. In this studio the students will be challenged by real projects in which engaged with various parties, including land-owner, project-owner, government, and even community in the surroundings site. The capability to reconcile conflict will be sharpened in this process, so that the students are expected to have strong capabilities on real conflicts occurs in their future architectural projects.

Acquisition and Cultivation of Professional Ethics and Obligations for Faithful and Devoted Practice

Architecture Professional Practice and Professional Ethics (see sub-section 3.3.6) is also aim to cultivate faithful and devoted practices. In specific UII open a university course in Islamic Leadership Study intended to cultivate basic leadership principles both in Islamic and Western Perspective, to critically understand the ideal character of a leader based on Islamic value, to be able to apply skill and strategy of a leader, and apply the ideal national leadership in Indonesia both in formal or informal leadership.  It is hoped that through these courses the students will have a strong understanding of ethics, having a good responsibility and professional obligations for faithful and devoted practices to client, society, and the environment.

Architect Professional Program UII

The Professional Program in the Department of Architecture UII (PPAR/Year 5)

The establishment of professional program (PPAR) in the department of architecture UII is stated in the Strategic Plan of UII (University Renstra) year 2014-2018 in correlation with the re-design of university, faculty, and department organization of UII. The establishment plan then elaborated in detail in the faculty of civil engineering and planning’s strategic plan.

The aim of the establishment of the professional program is intended to meet the needs of the professional architect in Indonesia and ASEAN market especially after the agreement of ASEAN Economic Community/AEC in 2015. In addition, the global environment and community has led Indonesia to sign the standardization and synchronization of the educational system, especially in the field of architecture. Some agreements ratified by the Indonesian Government such as AFTA 2000, APEC 2010, and WTO 2020 have required the improvement of the workforce education in order to compete in the international level. In 2008 Indonesia signed the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Architectural Services (ASEAN-MRA) to recognize the qualification to become an ASEAN Architect (AA). The implication of MRA is the requirement qualification of ASEAN Architect in line with the international standards including the qualification of school of architecture to comply with the international standards (5 years program).   

Union International of Architects (UIA) is an agency under UNESCO-United Nations responsible and competent in giving the recognition to the architect and accreditation/validation/international recognition of equality for the school of architecture internationally. The MRA for ASEAN Architect also refers to standards of education and competence of architects by the UIA. In this case, so far the architectural education system in Indonesia which only within 4 years duration does not meets the UIA requirement (5 years program).  Hence, the professional program of architecture in the department of architecture UII with 4+1 year scheme is established to give the opportunity for the architecture graduates in Indonesia to be equal with their counterpart in ASEAN and international level.


  • To produce professional architect who are competent in the design, strong capability in professional practice, which are integrated to build entrepreneurial attitudes in the field of architecture supported by management skills in information technology-based architecture

  • To produce knowledge applicable in the field of construction services to support the role of the architect in the society in shaping a sustainable built environment

Program Objectives

The objective of the professional program is to prepare the candidate of professional architects who are able and ready:

  • To conduct professional practice in the field of architecture based on professional ethics in the planning and managing resources to produce the works of architecture comply with cultural value

  • To develop a professional design performance capabilities presented by the critical analysis of design problems, the adequacy of review of context, having good skills in the design of the built environment (architecture) and supporting knowledge of technology

  • To be able to solve factual problems, technology, and art in the field of architecture through multidisciplinary approach and able to integrate the entire process of design with allied profession to produce design of the built environment (architecture) with integration and good quality

  • To be able to design research and taking strategic decision with high accountability and responsibility for all aspects under the responsibility of architecture profession

In order to achieve the mission and objectives of the architecture professional program several efforts is accomplished. First, the effective and efficient management with the support of good governance, synergy, and integration in the department, faculty, and university level is implemented in the program. Second, capitalize all aspects of supporters including partnership, adequate infrastructure, funding, curriculum, academia (faculty members and adjunct professors), students, and administrative staffs. Third, design and implement educational curriculum based on competency (Competence-based Curriculum) and learning methods based on supervised studio by  professional architects supported by good infrastructure of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as medium of learning as well as ICT as expertise to support the andragogy competence of the graduates. Fourth, having clear financial revenue projections including the calculation of investment, investment source, the annual projection of operational expenses and tuition fees considered to implement the program.

The professional program (PPAR) opened since the academic year of 2012/2013. To date there have been four batches with 25 total graduates recorded in 2014/2015. Of the total number of the graduates, 60% have awarded as Arsitek Muda IAI. The number of PPAR student’s increases from time to time and it is expected to continue increased along with the current enactment of PPAR graduates will automatically awarded as Arsitek Muda IAI upon their completion.

Architecture Professional Practice and Professional Ethics Courses in the department of architecture UII

Architecture Professional Practice is a four credit of compulsory subject taken by the student in semester 5. The learning objective of the subject is that the student understand and aware of the architecture professional practice especially related to particular aspects, as follows: working relationship of the between architect and client (individual, private and public enterprises, or government) as written in IAI standards, understand the various form of design assignment, stages of the design process, architect standard works (AIA, IAI, Ministry of Public Works), the implementation of the design process (project operation), organization and working procedures team, construction document standard, bidding, and negotiation process.

Apart from the professional practice, professional ethics is a two credit of compulsory subject which must be taken in semester 1 of PPAR (year 5). This subject is a collaborative subject managed by lecturers in the department and training strata 1 and strata 2 as well as the code of professional conduct that are managed by IAI. Code of conduct of the architectural profession, building code in Indonesia, architectural accreditation system as well as registration to accreditation of Indonesian Institutes of Architect (IAI), and other related regulations are amongst the material of this subject. It is expected that through Professional Ethics subject will educate the students on professional ethics and understanding their responsibility as professionals and as architect for the whole society including for the marginalized groups.

Qualification to Practice, Registration, and Architectural Accreditation Information

The information regarding the qualification to practice, registration, and accreditation to the students is embedded in the subject of Professional Ethics and Professional Practices. Moreover, occasionally lecturers of other subjects also provide information regarding this matter, such as in the design studio subjects. Hence, it is expected that the students will have a more comprehensive understanding regarding the significance of architectural accreditation and registration process.

Together with other information such as the importance of professional education in architecture the information of professional accreditation and registration is given to the student as early as semester 1, especially in the first meeting of new students and the head of department and other lecturers. The information of professional accreditation and IAI registration system is specifically mentioned at any period of graduation (6 times a year/every 2 months) to the graduates of 4 year program (S.Ars) as the target for the professional program and prospective member of IAI. The information regarding the professional program (PPAR) is also conducted to the working partners of PPAR (architectural firms) twice a year at the beginning of each semester. Information to other institutions and collegiate/academia of architecture in Indonesia is continuously interwoven, for instance through IAI (for the last five years the chairman of IAI is held by one of the faculty member of Architecture UII: Ir. Munichy B. Edress, M.Arch) and through Indonesian Association of School of Architecture (APTARI), as the former head of department of architecture UII is the chairman of Academic and Knowledge APTARI (Dr.-Ing. Ilya Fajar Maharika, IAI). Through academia and professional forums in Indonesia, the information especially regarding PPAR-UII is conducted, bred, and developed, as it has been acknowledged that the department of architecture UII plays a leading role in the national level.

Architecture Education in Indonesia

Architectural Education, Qualification to Practice, and the Registration System

History of Architectural Education in Indonesia

The architectural education in Indonesia was established in 1950 with the opening of ‘Bouwkundige Afdeeling’ (Building Section) at the Fakulteit Teknik (Faculty of Engineering) Universitas Indonesia in Bandung (ITB). The educational program is implemented to produce Insinyur Arsitek (Architecture Engineer) with curriculum adopted from the TU Delft, The Netherlands (as most of the lecturers were TU Delft alumni). In 1958, for the first time this department of architecture produced its graduates.

In the 1960s some department of architecture were established in several cities of Indonesia, including Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung (1960), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (1962), Diponegoro University, Semarang (1962), Tarumanegara University, Jakarta (1962), Indonesian Christian University, Jakarta (1962), Hasanuddin University, Makassar (1963), University of Pancasila, Jakarta (1963), University of Indonesia, Jakarta (1965), Udayana University, Bali (1965), and Surabaya Institute of Technology (1965). The establishment of several department of architecture in Indonesia was followed by other universities in Indonesia in the next decades.

In this era, the primary aim of the architectural education in Indonesia is to produce professional architects with minimum of five years duration. The students were prepared to have a strong knowledge on architectural theory, architectural design skills (studio), and internship. At the end of their studies, the students were tested through simulation project before commenced as an engineer.  

Major changes of architectural education in Indonesia in 1996 have marked by the changes of 160 credits for undergraduate program to 144 credits (5 years to 4 years program) and the first architectural education accreditation is also conducted by the National Accreditation Board in this year. As a consequence, the Architecture Engineer award (Ir.) turned into Bachelor of Engineering (ST) aimed to produce scholars that can be prepared to be a professional.

In 2015, PDDIKTI recorded 159 department of architecture all over Indonesia in undergraduate level, 16 master level, and 7 in Ph.D level of education. This number is the largest within ASEAN countries (Philippines: 83; Vietnam: 22; and Thailand: 20 institutions).

Architectural Education and National Policy

The architectural education in Indonesia is experiencing changes that demands a more dynamic learning model, multidiscipline, and more focused on producing the graduates to meet the standard of competence in national and international level. In addition the graduates produced are also expected to response the contemporary issues such as the environmental sustainability, socio-cultural, and community development to prepare them in competing with foreign architects.

In 2007 the Indonesian government signed the agreement on ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for architectural services. In order to fulfill the requirement as ASEAN Architect, the architecture graduates require taking a minimum 5 years of architectural education as requested by the UIA. At the regional level the challenge of architecture education and profession is also marked by the ASEAN Free Trade Year 2015. The free trade is allowing the applicable standard of practice for Architect ASEAN member countries and allowing architects to practice in countries within the ASEAN members.            

In fact, the undergraduate level of architectural education in Indonesia is organized within 4 years allowing one year gap with the UIA requirement. In 2009, the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) and the Association of Architectural Higher Education in Indonesia (APTARI) have set a Professional Architecture Education Program/PPAR (1 year continuation and/or part of 2 years of Master Degree Program) as an official set towards a professional architecture education in Indonesia.

Amongst the 159 department of architecture in Indonesia, only 14 are recorded as the organizer of PPAR with one of the (University of Indonesia) is registered in the Ministry of Higher Education. This can be a challenge for the architectural education in Indonesia. Furthermore, Indonesia needs to formulate the general competence as reference for curriculum standard in conducting the architectural education in Indonesia.

Hence, in relation with the various challenges and opportunities there is a need of program revitalization of architectural education in Indonesia to deal with the dynamic changes and the challenges of architectural profession at the global, regional, and national levels. In 2015 IAI and APTARI implement the revitalization program of architectural education in order to improve the quality of higher architectural education in Indonesia. This revitalization program is included to formulate Program Learning Outcome, Curriculum, and Professional Architecture Education Standard.

The Qualification to Practice and Registration of IAI

Currently, the Indonesian Association of School of Architecture (APTARI) and IAI (with some contributions from PPAR-UII) formulates a guideline serving as mutual platform between IAI and Schools of Architecture in conducting professional education and granting professional certification. In this scheme, in addition to the granting of License Architect, the graduates will be granted a certificate of “Arsitek Muda” (First Level Architect) by IAI (see figure 1). In this qualification, upon the completion of PPAR the student will be automatically granted a certificate of Arsitek Muda.

Arsitek Muda Certificate is a limited certificate in the sense that the holder may only perform professional architectural design of up to three stories building and the certificate valid for only two years. Such a certificate will cease automatically if holder does not proceed to the full time internship within 2 years. As seen in Figure 1, in order to get a full certificate, a graduate of PPAR requires 2 years of internship experience in addition to passing the competency examination.

Figure 1. The proposed stages of professional education of architect based on the agreement between IAI and APTARI in 2015

The full certificate consists of two types, namely Arsitek Madya (Second Level Architect) and Arsitek Utama (Third Level Architect), each of these full certificates valid for three years. By default, an architect in Indonesia can legally practice if the holder meets three conditions as follows:

1.   The architect is a valid member of IAI – a membership card is issued by IAI as a proof of validity

2.   The architect has one of the three types of the above-mentioned certificates, i.e., first level, second level, or third level

3.    The architect holds the SIBP (Surat Ijin Bekerja Perencana – literally translated as “Work Permit for Design Consultancy”), which is issued by the municipal government. However, SIBP is required only within a certain municipality such as Jakarta. In most cases only the conditions number 1 and 2 are required.

Architecture Education UII

Department of Architecture Program and UII Future Goal

The five year program of department of architecture is established in line with the vision and mission of UII. As mentioned in the previous section, the first vision of UII is towards UII as ‘a mercy to the world’. It has translated in the vision of the department of architecture regarding its commitment and sensitivity in creating a sustainable environment, with consideration and concern for marginal groups. The second vision of UII to become an internationally recognized university is translated in the vision of the department to become the best top three of similar architecture program in Indonesia, as ranked by the National Accreditation Board and to produce global qualified graduates (international reputation) but at the same time having a strong Indonesia’s best character.

Faculty Member and Student Recruitment Criteria

The selection of faculty member is prepared through open recruitment process published through university website and national mass media. The general criteria are the academic qualification, research interest, teaching specialist, English (TOEFL), and Islamic knowledge. The academic requirement is hold a Master Degree, but Doctoral Degree (Ph.D) is preferable. Research interest is necessary to be selected to meet the need of the curriculum that is applied in order to achieve expertise and excellence to such field of knowledge. Teaching specialist is required to test the candidate in terms of pedagogic ability and interest in teaching as a profession. English proficiency showed by such standard for example TOEFL is utilized to meet the criteria for English as standard to achieve global communication and achievement. Last but not least is Islamic knowledge, as an Islamic based values university, UII needs to make sure that the human resources in this case academic staff have the basic ability to the realize the vision of UII as mercy to the world (rahmatan lil alamin).

Currently, the faculty member of the Department of Architecture UII consist of thirty-three full-time faculty members, with eight of them are Ph.D holders, four Ph.D candidates, and the rest are master degree holders.  Most of the faculty members are graduates from national and international reputable universities, including University of Newcastle, University of York, University of Nottingham, University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, University of South Victoria, Bauhaus University, Cottbus University, Wismar University of Technology Business and Design Germany, Cologne University of Applied Sciences Germany, Anhalt University of Applied Science, McGill University Canada, ITC Netherlands, Cyprus University, Fatih Mehmet University Turkey, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, so on and so forth. Sixth of them are full-professional architect accredited by the Indonesian Institutes of Architects (IAI).

The selection criteria for the students are generally following the criteria defined in the university level, i.e., Paper Based Test (PBT), Computer Based Test (CBT), and GPA (Grade Point Average) based Recruitment (PSB) (for more detail see sub-section 4.3 on Student Information).

Development of Democratic Decision Making Process in the University

Over the last decade UII has introduced a more democratic and collective atmosphere of decision making which involving stakeholders including the students, for example on the selection of Rector and his/her deputies. The student’s league is also elected democratically and independently (without intrusion from the university) by the students both at the university, faculty, and department level.

The Provision of Access of Vital Information for the Students

UII has developed access of vital information for the students through IT Infrastructure and facilities. Information system through IT for academic information (SIMAK) can be assessed through internet not only for the students, but also for lecturers, and parents. Computers are available in many areas in the campus through intranet and internet to facilitate the students in accessing their record and other academic information as well as scientific resource (journal database). Recently Social Media is also intensively used by the department of architecture to disseminate important information such as through Facebook and Twitters.  Library catalogue search can be done through online (SIMPUS) inside the library across UII campus (refer to section 4.6 on Information Resources for details).  

Provision of Opportunities to Participate in Domestic and International Practice

The department of architecture provides opportunities for the student to participate in domestic and international practice through Internship Program. Student competition such as PKM (Student Creativity Program) in national level is an annual program organized by the Ministry of Higher Education to encourage students to do research, developing models, implement their knowledge for the community, and publish their ideas or research findings in a journal/seminar paper. Other student competition, such as design competition is regularly published in the department to encourage the students to contend their design in national and international level.  

Collaborative program with foreign institutions has initiated in the department including research collaboration, summer and winter program, student exchange, and etc. for more than a decade. Recently some collaborative program with other national and international institutions, including Summer Camp on Bamboo and Parametric Design ITB, Summer School and Winter School with EMU, Turkey, and Workshop on Dome Architecture in Japan.

UII provides environment that inspires and encourage creativity and self-confidence for the students through the provision of art spaces, galleries, university museum, Warung Prancis (French Information Booth – in collaboration with the Embassy of France), and open theatre. UniShop is built to also give the opportunity for the students to open their Start Up business to develop the self-promotion for the students through entrepreneurship.  

Program Overview

Vision of Department of Architecture

Vision Statement

The aim of the Architecture Department at Universitas Islam Indonesia is to be among the top three institutions, as ranked by the National Accreditation Board, and with an international reputation.  Committed to perfection and Islamic values in the field of education, research, community services and da’wa.

The Architecture Department also strives to be recognized as an institution concerned with community engagement, as well as environmental sensitivity, through excellent educational activities and coherent architectural design-research tradition.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to produce architecture graduates who have commitment and sensitivity in creating a sustainable built environment, with consideration and concern for marginal groups. We also strive to prepare architecture graduates who are able to achieve further excellence through extra curricular activities.

Program Objective

The objectives of the Architecture Education Program of Universitas Islam Indonesia are to produce two levels of graduates namely Bachelor Degree (Sarjana Arsitektur) and Professional Degree of Architects (Architect) who generally possess:

  • Awareness on a broad knowledge of architecture design.

  • Creative in building design based on sustainable design principles.

  • Ability to design buildings to fulfill the needs of marginal groups.

  • Developing entrepreneurship skills, teamwork within the ethics of Islam, and improving lifelong learning.

Program Learning Outcome

Guided by vision and mission of the University, the Department of Architecture produces graduates who possess four clusters of competencies framed by Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF).  

Table Program Learning Outcome within the Indonesian Qualification Framework

National Framework

UII Terminologies

Key Competence

Learning Outcome


Islamic Attitude

Islamic Ethic & Behavior

Able to express his or her attitude based on universal Islamic law and ethics or his or her personal belief

Inclusive Mindset

Able to show inclusive worldview engaging global society yet express their own identity of Islam and Indonesia

General Skills

Prophetic Leadership


Able to lead in his / her working environment and be an exemplification for society

Social Sensitivity

Able to articulate his / her contributive role to excel society

Specific Skills

Transformative Skill

Solution Oriented Skills

Able to enable innovation spirit into actual problem solving in his / her working field

Transformative Skills

Able to enable innovation spirit into actual problem solving in his / her working field

Comprehensive Design Skills

Able to design building that acknowledge historical aspects of both traditional eastern and western architecture.

Able to design building with strong concern on environment conservation, structural system, materials, building envelope, building safety, site conditions, and legal considerations essential to formulate a sustainable architecture.

Able to show design approach that concern to human behavior, human diversity, inclusive accessibility and building economics essential to formulate  buildings for marginal and poor groups.

Able to show architectural professional skills, enriched with Islamic values, entrepreneurial skills, strong communication skills both written and verbal, working effectively in team and able to show critical thinking and the spirit of lifelong learning.

Able to represent design utilizing building information modelling (BIM)


Integrative Knowledge

Integrative thinking

Able to express principle of integration of Islamic knowledge within architectural thought and design

Posses design research knowledge to support architectural design skill


To afford all the vision and mission above, the department timeline since it was launched:


Architecture Program was initially open in November 9th, 1987 through Decree of Coordinator of Private Higher Education Region V (KOPERTIS wilayah V) No. 1405 / Kop.WiI.N / 1987. The institution was initially only enrols 60 students. The first campus is located on Demangan Baru under the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning together with Civil Engineering.


Two years later, on February 10th, 1989, Department of Architecture has received the status of “Formally Registered” (Terdaftar, basic grade) from the Ministry of Education Decree  No.088 / 0 /1989 . At the time, the capacity is still limited so that the enrolled student was still limited despite increased public interest.


Four years later, in 1993, Architectural Department campus moved from Jl . Demangan Baru to Integrated Campus located in JI. Kaliurang Km. 14.4. Thus, the enrolment capacity ranging up to about 100 students. At almost the same time, by July 9th, 1994, the Higher Education Decree No. 193 / Dikti / Kep / 1994 was received by Department of Architecture for higher grade “Acknowledged” (Diakui, medium grade).


By 1995, Architecture Department has been awarded as “Equivalent Program” (Disamakan, highest grade) through the Directorate General of Higher Education Decree No. 504 / Dikti / Kep / 1995 dated December 30th, 1995. The graded received was represent the highest level achievement at that time. The enrolled number of students was also increased significantly by an average of 150 students annually.


In 1996, BAN PT, the accreditation system for higher education was introduced by the ministry. Architecture UII was among the first institutions to undergo the process and remarkably gained a success. The certificate of National Accreditation Board of Higher Education No. 00 788 / Ak – 1 / UIIAERNIII / 1998, was received by August 11th, 1998. Since then, the department is Accredited with B rating (good).


Right after one period, BAN PT re-accreditation was commenced in 2003 and Department of Architecture UII was accredited and awarded by highest grade of A (excellent) by the accreditation certificate No. 05 362 / Ak – VI – S1-005 / UIIAER / III / 2003 dated March 12th, 2003. The accreditation score obtained as high as 373.26 points from the maximum of 400.



By years of 2008, 2009 and 2010 the Department has been awarded numerous national Competitive Grant “A3” from the Directorate of Higher Education consecutively. The grant was dedicated for improvement on education infrastructure, curriculum as well as human resources. The total amount of the grant was 3,4 billion rupiahs.


The department won internal competitive grant consecutively from  2011, 2012 and 2013. The program proposed was (a) adaptation of academic structure and system towards international accreditation, (b) Development of teaching learning capacity based on Studio Culture and (C) Strengthen input-output policies based on international requirements. The total amount of the grant was 1,4 billion rupiahs.


Internationalization of the program has begun since 2011. However, the fifth year program of 4+1 scheme, initially started in 2012 by establishment of PPAR (Architect Professional Program) as effort to comply the international standard of five year architectural education.  The department has developed the 2013 curriculum by adopting ten semesters scheme. The establishment was supported by Memorandum of Understanding with Indonesian Institute of Architects Architects


Architecture Department once again has a success in 2013 for to be awarded by BAN PT a highest level accreditation grade of “A” by Certificate No. 237 / SK / BAN – PT / Ak – XVI / S / XI / 2013 dated November 22th, 2013. The grade point is 379 which is one of the highest scores of accreditation in Architectural education. The grade “A” shows that the performance of the institution Department of Architecture comprehensively excellent.


The Department of Architecture offers two levels of architectural bachelor degree. The first, called Sarjana Strata 1 (S1) Teknik Arsitektur, is a 4 year program comparable to Bachelor in Architectural Engineering. The second, Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAR), is 1 year professional program. Both of the programs are accumulatively execute 4 + 1 scheme of complete architectural education. The PPAR endorsed by the Indonesian Institute of Architect IAI in 2014 to conform international standard of architectural education in providing architects eligible for licensure.


Architecture Department UII is in the process to obtain international accreditation through KAAB and has received status as a candidate.

Kuliah Umum Kode Etik Keprofesian Arsitek IAI

Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek Jurusan Arsitektur FTSP UII dengan Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia D.I. Yogyakarta kembali mengadakan kerjasama yaitu dalam rangka Penataran Kode Etik, Strata 1 dan 2 IAI untuk mahasiswa Angkatan IV periode 2015/2016. Dari rangkaian tersebut, kami mengundang mahasiswa dan alumni Arsitektur UII untuk ikut dalam Kuliah Umum  Kode Etik Keprofesian Arsitek IAI dengan tema “ Tantangan Menegakkan Etika Profesi dalam Kompetisi antar Arsitek” dengan narasumber Ahmad Saifudin Mutaqi, IAI (Ketua IAI DIY). Acara ini akan diselenggarakan pada hari Selasa, 31 Mei 2016 pukul 08.00 – 10.15 WIB di Ruang Auditorium Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan. Selain mahasiswa dan alumni UII, kami juga mengundang  perwakilan dari Jurusan Arsitektur yang ada di Yogyakarta seperti UGM, UAJY, UKDW dan UTY. Untuk konfirmasi  dapat dilakukan langsung di Sekretariat PPAr UII atau dengan menghubungi ke 0877-3932-0473. Salam Arsitek.

Preparatory Lecture Series PAS Semester Ganjil 2015/2016

Berikut adalah jadwal Preparatory Lecture Series PAS Semester Ganjil 2015/2016 

Panduan Proyek Akhir Sarjana Arsitektur

Berikut adalah panduan Proyek Akhir Sarjana





Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL) merupakan kegiatan rutin Program Studi untuk membantu mengembangkan imajinasi, kreatifitas, dan daya bayang ruang mahasiswa arsitektur. Kegiatan ini berupa peninjauan langsung mahasiswa ke objek studi baik yang ada di dalam maupun luar negeri . Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara berkala. Kali ini Prodi Arsitektur merencanakan kunjungan kebeberapa tempat di Cirebon yang memang dirasa tepat untuk mata kuliah Arsitektur Indonesia.

Mata kuliah Arsitektur Indonesia adalah salah satu mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan UII. Ditempuh pada semester genap ditiap tahun ajaran, dan Kuliah Kerja Lapangan sebagai syarat wajib untuk mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Arsitektur Indonesia. Tentunya ada beberapa tugas mahasiswa pada KKL kali ini seperti mengumpulkan informasi, memotret (interior, eksterior, aktivitas, konstruksi, ornamen dsb.), menggambar, mengukur, sketsa, menulis dan menyajikan/mempresentasikan hasil KKL di Cirebon pada dosen kelas.

Rombongan KKL yang terdiri dari Mahasiswa Arsitektur UII yang berjumlah 90 mahasiswa dan 2 dosen yakni Revianto Budi Santosa Ir.,M.Arch. dan Arif Budi Sholihah ,S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. melaksanakan kunjungan pada Senin, 25 – 28 Rajab 1437H/ 2 – 5 Mei 2016. Beberapa tempat tujuan KKL pada hari pertama seperti Masjid Merah Panjunan, Kraton Kasepuhan, Kraton Kanoman, Masjid Agung Kasepuhan dan Taman Sari Gua Sunyarangi. Hari kedua rombongan mengunjungi Balaikota Cirebon, Stasiun Cirebon, Klenteng Dewi Welas Asih, dan Makam Trusmi.

Masjid Panjunan terletak dikampung Arab dekat Pelabuhan Cirebon, masyarakat setempat yakin bahwa masjid yang didirikan Pangeran Panjunan yang diriwayatkan berasal dari Arabia ini lebih tua dari kraton Kasepuhan. Serambi dengan tiang berprofil segi delapan di tengah dan segi empat di kedua ujungnya adalah bagian dari tradisi yang sangat tua yang lazim dijumpai pada bangunan-bangunan yang dimuliakan di Pesisir Utara Jawa bahkan hingga ke Bali. Pembukaan Revianto Budi Santosa untuk Masjid Panjunan kepada mahasiswa Arsitektur yang mengikuti KKL tersebut.

Keunikan terdapat pada Masjid-masjid masa lampau, seperti halnya Masjid Panjunan. Keseluruhan dinding terbuat dari batu bata merah dengan pengerjaan yang sangat baik diperkuat dengan cat merah pada seluruh permukaan masjid, sehingga masjid ini sering disebut Masjid Merah. Nama Panjunan sendiri menunjukkan bahwa kawasan ini semula dihuni oleh para pembuat wadah air dari tanah liat atau ajun. Hal tersebut menujukkan bahwa kualiatas tanah disini sangatlah bagus. Disisi selatan Masjid ini terdapat nisan yang sangat pendek, hanya sekitar satu meter. Yang dikatakan sebagai tempat untuk menguburkan alat-alat pertukangan yang pernah dipergunakan untuk membangun Masjid ini. Hal demikian ungkapan unik untuk memuliakan tradisi ketukangan penduduk setempat.




Evaluasi Komprehensif PAS Semester Genap 2015/2016

Evaluasi Komprehensif  PAS Semester Genap 2015/2016 akan dimulai pada tanggal 9 Mei 2016 hingga 2 pekan setelahnya. Peserta dapat mengikuti evaluasi jika telah dinyatakan layak oleh dosen pembimbing. Jadwal detail untuk setiap grup dapat diunduh pada tautan di bawah.

Peserta wajib hadir di ruang evaluasi 30 menit sebelum jadwal, dengan membawa maket studi. Peserta wajib menghadiri semua sesi evaluasi dalam grupnya.