Architecture Education in Indonesia

Architectural Education, Qualification to Practice, and the Registration System

History of Architectural Education in Indonesia

The architectural education in Indonesia was established in 1950 with the opening of ‘Bouwkundige Afdeeling’ (Building Section) at the Fakulteit Teknik (Faculty of Engineering) Universitas Indonesia in Bandung (ITB). The educational program is implemented to produce Insinyur Arsitek (Architecture Engineer) with curriculum adopted from the TU Delft, The Netherlands (as most of the lecturers were TU Delft alumni). In 1958, for the first time this department of architecture produced its graduates.

In the 1960s some department of architecture were established in several cities of Indonesia, including Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung (1960), Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (1962), Diponegoro University, Semarang (1962), Tarumanegara University, Jakarta (1962), Indonesian Christian University, Jakarta (1962), Hasanuddin University, Makassar (1963), University of Pancasila, Jakarta (1963), University of Indonesia, Jakarta (1965), Udayana University, Bali (1965), and Surabaya Institute of Technology (1965). The establishment of several department of architecture in Indonesia was followed by other universities in Indonesia in the next decades.

In this era, the primary aim of the architectural education in Indonesia is to produce professional architects with minimum of five years duration. The students were prepared to have a strong knowledge on architectural theory, architectural design skills (studio), and internship. At the end of their studies, the students were tested through simulation project before commenced as an engineer.  

Major changes of architectural education in Indonesia in 1996 have marked by the changes of 160 credits for undergraduate program to 144 credits (5 years to 4 years program) and the first architectural education accreditation is also conducted by the National Accreditation Board in this year. As a consequence, the Architecture Engineer award (Ir.) turned into Bachelor of Engineering (ST) aimed to produce scholars that can be prepared to be a professional.

In 2015, PDDIKTI recorded 159 department of architecture all over Indonesia in undergraduate level, 16 master level, and 7 in Ph.D level of education. This number is the largest within ASEAN countries (Philippines: 83; Vietnam: 22; and Thailand: 20 institutions).

Architectural Education and National Policy

The architectural education in Indonesia is experiencing changes that demands a more dynamic learning model, multidiscipline, and more focused on producing the graduates to meet the standard of competence in national and international level. In addition the graduates produced are also expected to response the contemporary issues such as the environmental sustainability, socio-cultural, and community development to prepare them in competing with foreign architects.

In 2007 the Indonesian government signed the agreement on ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for architectural services. In order to fulfill the requirement as ASEAN Architect, the architecture graduates require taking a minimum 5 years of architectural education as requested by the UIA. At the regional level the challenge of architecture education and profession is also marked by the ASEAN Free Trade Year 2015. The free trade is allowing the applicable standard of practice for Architect ASEAN member countries and allowing architects to practice in countries within the ASEAN members.            

In fact, the undergraduate level of architectural education in Indonesia is organized within 4 years allowing one year gap with the UIA requirement. In 2009, the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) and the Association of Architectural Higher Education in Indonesia (APTARI) have set a Professional Architecture Education Program/PPAR (1 year continuation and/or part of 2 years of Master Degree Program) as an official set towards a professional architecture education in Indonesia.

Amongst the 159 department of architecture in Indonesia, only 14 are recorded as the organizer of PPAR with one of the (University of Indonesia) is registered in the Ministry of Higher Education. This can be a challenge for the architectural education in Indonesia. Furthermore, Indonesia needs to formulate the general competence as reference for curriculum standard in conducting the architectural education in Indonesia.

Hence, in relation with the various challenges and opportunities there is a need of program revitalization of architectural education in Indonesia to deal with the dynamic changes and the challenges of architectural profession at the global, regional, and national levels. In 2015 IAI and APTARI implement the revitalization program of architectural education in order to improve the quality of higher architectural education in Indonesia. This revitalization program is included to formulate Program Learning Outcome, Curriculum, and Professional Architecture Education Standard.

The Qualification to Practice and Registration of IAI

Currently, the Indonesian Association of School of Architecture (APTARI) and IAI (with some contributions from PPAR-UII) formulates a guideline serving as mutual platform between IAI and Schools of Architecture in conducting professional education and granting professional certification. In this scheme, in addition to the granting of License Architect, the graduates will be granted a certificate of “Arsitek Muda” (First Level Architect) by IAI (see figure 1). In this qualification, upon the completion of PPAR the student will be automatically granted a certificate of Arsitek Muda.

Arsitek Muda Certificate is a limited certificate in the sense that the holder may only perform professional architectural design of up to three stories building and the certificate valid for only two years. Such a certificate will cease automatically if holder does not proceed to the full time internship within 2 years. As seen in Figure 1, in order to get a full certificate, a graduate of PPAR requires 2 years of internship experience in addition to passing the competency examination.

Figure 1. The proposed stages of professional education of architect based on the agreement between IAI and APTARI in 2015

The full certificate consists of two types, namely Arsitek Madya (Second Level Architect) and Arsitek Utama (Third Level Architect), each of these full certificates valid for three years. By default, an architect in Indonesia can legally practice if the holder meets three conditions as follows:

1.   The architect is a valid member of IAI – a membership card is issued by IAI as a proof of validity

2.   The architect has one of the three types of the above-mentioned certificates, i.e., first level, second level, or third level

3.    The architect holds the SIBP (Surat Ijin Bekerja Perencana – literally translated as “Work Permit for Design Consultancy”), which is issued by the municipal government. However, SIBP is required only within a certain municipality such as Jakarta. In most cases only the conditions number 1 and 2 are required.

Architecture Education UII

Department of Architecture Program and UII Future Goal

The five year program of department of architecture is established in line with the vision and mission of UII. As mentioned in the previous section, the first vision of UII is towards UII as ‘a mercy to the world’. It has translated in the vision of the department of architecture regarding its commitment and sensitivity in creating a sustainable environment, with consideration and concern for marginal groups. The second vision of UII to become an internationally recognized university is translated in the vision of the department to become the best top three of similar architecture program in Indonesia, as ranked by the National Accreditation Board and to produce global qualified graduates (international reputation) but at the same time having a strong Indonesia’s best character.

Faculty Member and Student Recruitment Criteria

The selection of faculty member is prepared through open recruitment process published through university website and national mass media. The general criteria are the academic qualification, research interest, teaching specialist, English (TOEFL), and Islamic knowledge. The academic requirement is hold a Master Degree, but Doctoral Degree (Ph.D) is preferable. Research interest is necessary to be selected to meet the need of the curriculum that is applied in order to achieve expertise and excellence to such field of knowledge. Teaching specialist is required to test the candidate in terms of pedagogic ability and interest in teaching as a profession. English proficiency showed by such standard for example TOEFL is utilized to meet the criteria for English as standard to achieve global communication and achievement. Last but not least is Islamic knowledge, as an Islamic based values university, UII needs to make sure that the human resources in this case academic staff have the basic ability to the realize the vision of UII as mercy to the world (rahmatan lil alamin).

Currently, the faculty member of the Department of Architecture UII consist of thirty-three full-time faculty members, with eight of them are Ph.D holders, four Ph.D candidates, and the rest are master degree holders.  Most of the faculty members are graduates from national and international reputable universities, including University of Newcastle, University of York, University of Nottingham, University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, University of South Victoria, Bauhaus University, Cottbus University, Wismar University of Technology Business and Design Germany, Cologne University of Applied Sciences Germany, Anhalt University of Applied Science, McGill University Canada, ITC Netherlands, Cyprus University, Fatih Mehmet University Turkey, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, so on and so forth. Sixth of them are full-professional architect accredited by the Indonesian Institutes of Architects (IAI).

The selection criteria for the students are generally following the criteria defined in the university level, i.e., Paper Based Test (PBT), Computer Based Test (CBT), and GPA (Grade Point Average) based Recruitment (PSB) (for more detail see sub-section 4.3 on Student Information).

Development of Democratic Decision Making Process in the University

Over the last decade UII has introduced a more democratic and collective atmosphere of decision making which involving stakeholders including the students, for example on the selection of Rector and his/her deputies. The student’s league is also elected democratically and independently (without intrusion from the university) by the students both at the university, faculty, and department level.

The Provision of Access of Vital Information for the Students

UII has developed access of vital information for the students through IT Infrastructure and facilities. Information system through IT for academic information (SIMAK) can be assessed through internet not only for the students, but also for lecturers, and parents. Computers are available in many areas in the campus through intranet and internet to facilitate the students in accessing their record and other academic information as well as scientific resource (journal database). Recently Social Media is also intensively used by the department of architecture to disseminate important information such as through Facebook and Twitters.  Library catalogue search can be done through online (SIMPUS) inside the library across UII campus (refer to section 4.6 on Information Resources for details).  

Provision of Opportunities to Participate in Domestic and International Practice

The department of architecture provides opportunities for the student to participate in domestic and international practice through Internship Program. Student competition such as PKM (Student Creativity Program) in national level is an annual program organized by the Ministry of Higher Education to encourage students to do research, developing models, implement their knowledge for the community, and publish their ideas or research findings in a journal/seminar paper. Other student competition, such as design competition is regularly published in the department to encourage the students to contend their design in national and international level.  

Collaborative program with foreign institutions has initiated in the department including research collaboration, summer and winter program, student exchange, and etc. for more than a decade. Recently some collaborative program with other national and international institutions, including Summer Camp on Bamboo and Parametric Design ITB, Summer School and Winter School with EMU, Turkey, and Workshop on Dome Architecture in Japan.

UII provides environment that inspires and encourage creativity and self-confidence for the students through the provision of art spaces, galleries, university museum, Warung Prancis (French Information Booth – in collaboration with the Embassy of France), and open theatre. UniShop is built to also give the opportunity for the students to open their Start Up business to develop the self-promotion for the students through entrepreneurship.  

Learning Outcome PPAR

Program Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek, Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Islam Indonesia, bertujuan sebagai berikut (program learning outcome):

Menyiapkan Arsitek Profesional yang mampu melakukan praktek kerja di bidang arsitektur, dengan berpegang pada kode etik profesi arsitek.

Menyiapkan arsitek profesional yang siap disertifikasi oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia menjadi arsitek berlisensi penuh (“full licensed architect”) berstandar internasional.

Mengembangkan kemampuan kinerja profesionalnya yang ditunjukkan dengan ketajaman analisis permasalahan, keserbacakupan tinjauan, kepaduan pemecahan masalah dan integrasi dengan profesi selingkung.

Menyeimbangkan antara pengetahuan/kemampuan sains dan teknologi, khususnya bidang arsitektur dengan etika moral dalam menghadapi kompetisi dunia kerja.



Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr)

Di level internasional, pendidikan arsitektur adalah sebuah proses pendidikan profesional dengan durasi 5 tahun. Hal ini didasarkan pada Charter for Architectural Education yang dikeluarkan oleh UNESCO – Union International of Architects (UIA). Dalam dokumen yang dikeluarkan badan tertinggi arsitektur tersebut, sekolah arsitektur, untuk mempersiapkan maahasiswa menjadi seorang arsitek profesional, harus memiliki minimal 2 jenjang pendidikan yaitu jenjang pertama (first stage) yang setara dengan sarjana (Sarjana Teknik) dan jenjang kedua (second stage) yang setara dengan Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) yang dirumuskan oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI).

Sistem pendidikan dua jenjang inilah yang diacu Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Islam Indonesia untuk memasuki era internasionalisasi dan sekaligus mempersiapkan mahasiswanya menjadi seorang Arsitek, bukan hanya Sarjana Teknik dalam bidang Arsitektur.

Sebagai bentuk formalisasi Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek (PPAr) maka Jurusan Arsitektur telah mengusulkan pendiriannya ke Rektor Universitas Islam Indonesia dan telah disetujui oleh Senat Fakultas tanggal 19 Juli 2012. Secara kurikuler, PPAR ini merupakan sebuah program pendidikan profesi yang merupakan kelanjutan dari pendidikan Strata 1. Jurusan Arsitektur menjadikan PPAr ini pilihan bagi para mahasiswanya dengan syarat dan kuota tertentu. 

simple model structure


Building technology laboratory is one of three laboratories in architecture department of civil engineering and planning faculty. It’s placed on the fourth floor of Mohammad natsir building (faculty building). This laboratory serves study, education and research needs in student building technology, lecturers, and cooperation with third party. In a larger scale, this laboratory holds building technology practicum that involve wood construction, material technology, structure system, lighting and thermal system, building utility, and open the service publicly for implementation services.

Activities that are held in this laboratory are technique knowledge comprehension related to architecture fields in theoretical and practice, form study and model or mockup-making with and without further examination. Moreover, this laboratory has a relationship with other parties through seminars or workshops that related to material studies and building technologies.

Facilities in the laboratory are structure and construction models, material samples, wood-machinery, wood-drier, finishing tools and paints, light meter, and sound level meter.

 Figure: Simple models sclupture

Laboratorium Teknologi Bangunan merupakan salah satu dari tiga laboratorium di Jurusan Arsitektur FTSP UII yang terletak di sebelah timur lantai empat gedung M. Natsir, Kampus Terpadu UII. Laboratorium ini berfungsi untuk melayani kebutuhan pengajaran, pendidikan dan penelitian di bidang Teknologi Bangunan mahasiswa, dosen serta kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga. Dalam lingkup yang lebih luas laboratorium ini menyelenggarakan praktikum Teknologi Bangunan yang meliputi bidang Konstruksi Kayu, Teknologi Bahan, Sistem Struktur, Pencahayaan dan Penghawaan Bangunan, Utilitas Bangunan serta membuka layanan secara umum untuk jasa-jasa pelaksanaan.  

Adapun kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain pendalaman ilmu keteknikan yang berkaitan dengan bidang arsitektur dalam bentuk pemahaman teori-teori teknik dan arsitektur berupa peragaan, studi bentuk dan melakukan pembuatan model replika dan maket dengan atau tanpa pengujian lebih lanjut. Selain itu, laboratorium ini juga melakukan kerjasama dengan pihak luar melalui seminar maupun workshop  yang berhubungan dengan bidang bahan dan teknologi bangunan.

Fasilitas yang tersedia berupa model-model struktur dan konstruksi, sampel material bangunan, rnesin perkayuan, alat pengering kayu, peralatan finishing dan pengecatan, alat pengukur cahaya (light meter), serta pengukur suara (sound level meter) .

E:\jars\Web Update\WEB\111.jpgE:\jars\Web Update\WEB\IMG_0509.JPG

Figure: Working on architecture models



Figure: Working on architecture models


Official Staffs:

Head of Laboratory: Supriyanta, Ir, MSi

Staff: Yatiman (Timmy)

Telp: +62 274 898444 ex.3231




Centre of Sustainable Real Estate Study (CREATE)

Pusat studi Real Estate Berkelanjutan ini mendalami pengembangan berbagai hal yang terkait dengan bidang real estate. Terutama pemikiran perancangan yang didasarkan keterpaduan nilai – nilai keruangan (space), waktu (time), nilai ekonomi dan nilai – nilai keberlanjutan (sustainble). Area yang akan dikaji antara lain adalah komersial (pusat perbelanjaan, rental office, deparment store, convention centre) hunian (apartemen, kondominium, rumah susun ), fasilitas pariwisata (hotel, resort, villa), industri (kawasan industri, pabrik, pergudangan) dan infrastruktur (rumah sakit, bandara, terminal, stasiun, pelabuhan).

Dosen yang ahli di bidang ini:

1. Ahmad Saifudin, Ir, MT (Assistant Professor)

2. Hanif Budiman, Dr (Cand) (Assistant Professor)

3. Tony Kunto Wibisono, Ir, MSc (Lecturer)

Centre for Green Urban Studies (C-GUS)

Pusat Studi Kota Hijau (C-GUS) merupakan lembaga yang concern terhadap proses pembangunan mencakup kegiatan perencanaan, perancangan, pelaksanaan, pembangunan dan penghunian dengan berbasis (mainstream) kehidupan yang harmonis menuju green urban, city, area, landscape and architecture and human behaviour.

Lingkup kajian C-GUS dari aspek keruangan mencakup Urban Planning and Design, Landscape Design, Tourism, Housing and Human Settlement, Architecture and Site planning, Specific Areas (Water front, Wetland, Industrial area, Marine, Hilly). Aktivitas yang dilakukan mencakup kegiatan :

• Education,

• Research,

• Publication,

• Social Services

Keurgensian menanggapi problematika terkait sistem ekologi dalam konteks urban mendorong displin ilmu arsitektur untuk mampu merancang solusi responsif dan adaptif.  Menurut perspektif arsitektur, problematika ini dapat dipandang sebagai suatu tantangan potensial untuk menggagaskan konsep yang mampu mengkorelasikan sistem ekologi, human behaviour, area potensial untuk diintegrasikan ke desain bangunan dalam lingkup kota.
Pusat Studi Kota Hijau (C-GUS) merupakan lembaga yang concern terhadap proses pembangunan mencakup kegiatan perencanaan, perancangan, pelaksanaan, pembangunan dan penghunian dengan berbasis (mainstream) kehidupan yang harmonis menuju green urban, city, area, landscape, architecture dan human behaviour. 

Lingkup kajian C-GUS dalam aspek keruangan diantaranya mencakup Urban Planning and Design, Landscape Design, Tourism, Housing and Human Settlement, Architecture and Site Planning, Spesific Areas (Water front, wetland, industrial area, marine, hilly). Aktivitas yang dilakukan mencakup kegiatan edukasi, penelitian, publikasi dan layanan sosial.

Nilai kualitatif yang akan disasarkan oleh pusat studi ini adalah kemampuan merancang dengan menginterkorelasikan karakter visual dalam desain dan membangun hubungan antara rancangan bangunan dengan alam (Environmental Relationship)

Dosen yang ahli di bidang ini:

1. Suparwoko, PhD, IAI (Associate Professor)

2. Fajriyanto, Ir, MTP (Associate Professor)

3. Muhammad Iftironi, IR, MLA (Assistant Professor)

4. Maria Adriani, ST, MUDD (Lecturer)

5. Yulia Pratiwi, ST, MSc (Lecturer)

Center for Innovation in Building Technology (CIBTEC)

CIBTECTH atau Center for Innovation in Building Technology adalah pusat studi yang didedikasikan untuk inovasi technologi dalam bangunan. Dengan semakin berkembangnya technologi, maka penerapan pada bangunan semakin tidak dapat dihindarkan dan sudah menjadi kebutuhan. Arsitek dituntut untuk selalu berinovasi agar bangunan yang didesain tidak ketinggalan zaman, bahkan harus didepan dalam hal aplikasi teknologi, baik teknologi advance (terkini) ataupun teknologi tepat guna.

Mahasiswa arsitektur dalam lingkup pusat studi ini akan bersentuhan dengan bagaimana karya arsitektural difikirkan terhadap penggunaan teknologi baik sebagai karya desain pada bangunan itu sendiri ataupun pada aplikasi elemen bangunan sebagai produk hasil teknologi. Smart building, high-tech building, high rise building, long span building, appropriate design, knockdown building, use of materials, natural friendly building, safety and security in building, disasters prepared building dan sebagainya adalah kata kunci berkaitan dengan pusat studi ini.  

Pusat studi dengan kajian pada:

• Structural design (High-rise building, long-span building, appropriate structure)

• Material (environmental friendly, material and techniques, innovative material and construction, recycle  materials and innovative structural system)

• Energy & environment (small scale renewable energy, energy efficient innovative housing and waste water recycling)

• Building and components (building envelope design, knockdown design, movable building)

• Building and disasters (earthquake proof building, flood proof building, fireproof buildings, etc) 


Dosen yang ahli dalam bidang ini:

1. Noor Cholis Idham, PhD, IAI (Associate Professor)

2. Yulianto Purwono Prihadmaji, Dr (Associate Professor)

3. Supriyanta, Ir, MSi (Assistant Professor)

4. Jarwa Prasetya, MSc, IAI (Assistant Professor)

5. Johanita Angia Rini, ST, MT (Lecturer) 

Caaptes Study

Pusat studi ini merupakan salah satu dari enam pusat studi yang memiliki kajian khusus terhadap teknologi bangunan secara arsitektural.
Kajian-kajian pada pusat studi ini yakni:
•    Structure & material (environmental friendly, material and techniques, innovative material and construction, agro and industrial waste material and innovative structure system)
•    Energy + environment (small scale renewable energy, energy efficient innovative housing and waste water recycling)

Sustainable Built Environment Centre (SUSBEC)

Pusat studi Lingkungan Binaan Berkelanjutan dengan misi menjadi pusat kajian yang memberikan peran nyata dan berarti pada pemecahan permasalahan keberlanjutan di lingkungan buatan pada masyarakat sekitar ai – nilai keberlanjutan (sustainble). Kajian – kajian yang akan dikembangkan adalah konsep yang diturunkan dari paradigma green development yang diterjemahkan dalam beberapa konsep sebagai berikut:

• Konsep sustainable construction.

• Environmental architecture

• Ecological building

• Green building


Dosen yang ahli di bidang ini:

1. Sugini, Dr (Associate Professor)

2. Etik Mufida, Ir, MEng (Lecturer)

3. Wisnu Bayu Aji, ST, MA (Lecturer)

4. Dyah Hendra, ST, MSc (Lecturer)

5. Abdul Robbi Mahzaya, ST, MSc (Lecturer)