Yulia Pratiwi


Full Name


Yulia Pratiwi





Major, Name of Degree, City of the University, Name of University and Year of earned degree(Doctoral Program)


Major, Name of Degree, City of the University, Name of University and Year of earned degree (Master Program)


Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Architecture. Master of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 2014

Major, Name of Degree, City of the University, Name of University and Year of earned degree (Undergraduate Program)


Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Architecture. Sarjana Teknik, Sebelas Maret University, 2011

Date of initial employment


10 November 2014

Date of promotion of the rank


Number of years in the rank


Not yet promoted

Number of years in construction industry or other education and research related institutions


2 years

Patent or experience of advisory function.


Title and number of major papers published within the recent 5 years.


  1. Eksotika Pariwisata Kabupaten Magelang sebagai Destinasi Wisata untuk Semua dan Penguat Ekonomi Wilayah (2013).

  2. Perbedaan Implementasi Smart City di Negara Berkembang dan Negara Maju. Kasus Indonesia dan Korea Selatan (2014).

  3. City Walk sebagai Ruang Terbuka Publik dan Interaksi Sosial. Kasus: Jl. Slamet Riyadi (Purwosari-Gladhag), Kota Surakarta (2014).

  4. Pola Permukiman Kawasan Pecinan di Kelurahan Sudiroprajan Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta (2014).

  5. Sungai sebagai Bencana sekaligus Potensi Penanggulangan Bencana, Suatu Realita di Daerah Terpencil. Kasus: Kabupaten Sijunjung, Provinsi Sumatera Barat (2014).

  6. Transformasi Fungsi Ruang Terbuka Publik di Perkotaan. Studi Kasus: Taman Pedestrian Kecamatan Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur (2015).

Activities and involvement in the professional/academic associations/societies.


Awards and licenses.


Activities within the recent 5 years at academic society and/or educational institutions


  1. Site Planning

  2. Writing Techniques

  3. Architecture Design Studio 3

  4. Design Public Space

  5. Academic Writing

Major research and development in the major area within the recent 5 years


Urban Planning and Design, Smart City, Housing, Tourism, Public Space.

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